Junk the myth, not the mayo

A spoonful of mayonnaise can go a long way. However, many people are under the impression that the longest way it can go is from the jar to their waist — a misconception that needs to be cleared for the sake of nutritional information.

In fact, mayonnaise can be one’s source of essential dietary fats that the human body requires. As such, it would be beneficial to know important facts about mayo and junk the myths that give it a bad name.

Mayonnaise is usually associated with gaining weight due to its oil content. Carbohydrates, protein and fats are all sources of calories. When calories are taken in excess beyond the recommended intake per day, then it will lead to weight gain.

Fats play important roles in the body. For one, it is a source of energy. “Good fats” coming from vegetable oils have been proven to be essential to one’s growth and development.

Foods like Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise use vegetable oil as its main ingredient. This oil is derived from soybean which is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, or good fats.

Unlike bad fats used in ordinary cooking oil, the good fats in Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise have no harmful side effects of accumulating cholesterol in the arteries or triggering hypertension.

Dietary health myths also suggest that mayonnaise is a kind of food that can be harmful to one’s heart. This, too, is an unfounded assessment. As seen on the label of brands such as Lady’s Choice, mayonnaise is a good source of Omega 3, which is an essential fatty acid that helps lower cholesterol. Omega 3 cannot be produced by the body and can only be obtained from the diet.

In many countries, studies have shown that the Omega 3 fatty acid intake of people is below the recommended dietary levels. Many people consume unhealthy oils. This exposes them to excessive intakes of bad fat that may lead to cardiovascular diseases.

To avoid these, it’s best to ensure regular intake of Omega 3 by eating the right kinds of food on a regular basis. A few servings of Lady’s Choice Real Mayonnaise can meet the body’s daily need for Omega 3, while amounting to only five percent of the recommended total daily calorie intake. This helps anyone trim down the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases while keeping the extra pounds at bay.

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