Maker of paper napkin products committed to nature’s protection

Sanitary Care Products Asia (SCPA), maker of quality paper napkin products like Tisyu, Jade, Cheers and Sanicare, has reiterated its firm commitment toward environmental preservation as it outlined a set of guidelines for its suppliers.

SCPA vice president Ven Sio says, "Sourcing is a key element in any business, and having extra standards might mean extra costs but it also means greater long-term sustainability of the business."

He adds that having "green" standards is good for business, especially in the paper business. This is why SCPA is committed to purchase wood fiber for pulp-making operations from sustainably managed forestry resources, which conserve areas of outstanding habitat and operate in harmony with local communities.

Sio says SCPA plans to implement this commitment by ensuring that wood suppliers comply with all relevant national and international regulations of sustainable forestry and responsible land use management.

The company also intends to ensure that a multi-stage environmental assessment process is conducted prior to plantation development, meeting or exceeding the standard required by national law.

Sio adds that the SCPA will adhere to its commitment by maintaining systems and procedures reasonably ensuring that wood coming from illegal sources shall be rejected before it enters the mills.

Sio says the SCPA expects wood suppliers to comply with relevant universal human rights regulations and undertake community relations programs based on participatory assessment and planning principles, involving all relevant stakeholders.

Finally, Sio adds that wood suppliers who are in breach of relevant legal requirements and the provision of the policy shall be immediately warned and have their contracts terminated for repeated violations.

Celebrating its 10th successful year, the SCPA has steadily grown to become a major importer of high-quality raw materials that it uses to produce its paper napkin products like Sanicare bathroom tissue, Cheers table napkins, the all-around Tisyu and Femme tissue paper. All products are made of 100 percent virgin pulp, ensuring that SCPA products are hygienic.

For more information on SCPA and its products, call 838-7301/02 or log on to

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