F1 City Center gets sales boost from St. Luke's Medical Center-The Fort

MANILA, Philippines - The opening of the world-class St. Luke’s Medical Center at the Fort Global City in Taguig has boosted further the attractiveness of the condominium development projects at the country’s emerging premier business district among discriminating condo buyers and real estate investors.

With the opening of the SLMC-The Fort November last year, the presence of a world-class hospital that boasts of having the best medical minds and the best available equipment and technology in the country is added to the long list of advantages of having a condominium abode at the Global City of Fort Bonifacio.

Leading the list of condo developers enjoying a windfall in sales from having the SLMC-The Fort as a neighbor is the F1 City Center Tower of the First Global BYO Corp. which is in its final stages of construction.

Just across the new hospital, the F1 City Center Tower is the nearest residential and commercial condo tower that will be the logical choice for condo buyers wanting an intimate proximity to the SLMC-The Fort.

Rosemarie Rajel, First Global BYO Corporation investment consultant, shared that the opening of the SLMC-The Fort had further heightened the excitement for their units which has already enjoyed brisk sales even when the hospital was just a-building.

“Now, they can appreciate better the prime location of our F1 City Center, basically just a stone’s throw away from the new SLMC,” Rajel said.

“Fortunately, the appreciation of the location is also translating to very interested buyers,” Rajel said.

The investment consultant said that many recent buyers were those who wanted to have a modern world-class hospital nearby.

The hospital, she hastened to add, was just one of the advantages for the buyers since the F1 City Center is also just in front of the S&R shopping club and the MC Home Depot furniture haven.

The sprawling and high-end Bonifacio High Street shopping district and the lower-end Market! Market! Shopping mall which houses a couple of call centers.

Rajel said that F1 City Center was now 92 percent sold-out.

“There are still a number of residential and condotel units left,” Rajel added.

The F1 City Center, it was learned is the second condo development project located the Global City of Fort Bonifacio of the First Global BYO Corpooration, after their hugely successful Fort Palm Springs project which has been turned over to buyers a couple of years ago.

First Global BYO is a world-class developer and project manager of multi-million dollar residential and commercial developments, with over 35 years of experience in countries such as the US, Australia, China, Hongkong and the Philippines.

“The FORT 1 City Center will be turned over in September. It is going to have 31 floors with all the amenities that a modern dweller can look for,” Rajel said.

Rajel said that inquiries about the F1 City Center and buying a residential condo unit or a condotel unit on the BYO method could be made at 09173903961 and Globe Duo landline 029574081.

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