Homes suited to Filipino psyche

MANILA, Philippines - The benefits of investing in quality homes and properties in the Philippines continue to shine even during difficult times such as the current economic situation.

Rex Mendoza, Ayala Land senior vice president and head of corporate sales and marketing, notes that it is actually in hard times that the plusses of good property investments emerge more prominently.

Thus, Mendoza states, although the current general property landscape is experiencing contractions, Ayala Land foresees the continued take-up of its choice offerings in its premier brand, together with those of subsidiaries Alveo Land and Avida Land.

“Real estate fits the heart and investment appetite of the Filipino,” states Mendoza. He explains that Filipinos are naturally attracted to investments that are home, family and land-related. And when their property investment choices are sound, they enjoy the long-haul benefits of increasing property valuations, long-lasting building materials and excellent property management services.

The developments that put economies in this state of global recession have already highlighted the downsides of other investment products such as stocks and pre-need packages. “There’s no further need to whip a beaten horse but I believe there is good reason to stress that quality Philippine properties and developments such as those by Ayala Land have maintained and will continue to experience its time-proven uptrend. The match between property investments and a long-term investment horizon has always been strong on the Filipino psyche. For this reason, real estate has remained the natural asset preservation tool.”

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