Virtual painting via Mix and Match website

How many times have we heard stories of painting jobs gone wrong? Office walls painted just a tad too close to the carpet shade? Or of kitchen surfaces painted too bright for culinary comfort?

It seems that painting disasters occur much too often for comfort. In fact, according to the University of Massachusetts’s Product Stewardship Institute, consumers waste almost $1 billion a year on paint they can’t live with, that they end up either tossing it out or painting over it.

“The reality is that colors tend to change in different places and under different light conditions,” says Ruben Cueto, marketing manager of Pacific Paint (Boysen) Philippines, Inc. He adds further that varying color perceptions across different kinds of people make painting situations even more complex. “While one person’s idea of yellow might be of the bright school bus kind, another might think it’s of the canary variety. “

Colors seen on the screen may vary from the actual paint colors due to varying computer screen resolutions and video card specs. For more information about Mix and Match, log on to or email

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