South Forbes’ leisure cluster unveiled

Hard work is a virtue but only when balanced by leisure. There is a growing recognition of the vital contribution that leisure time can make for people, especially the youth, in terms of promoting social inclusion, access to opportunities and overall development. If we allow leisure time to be crowded out of our busy schedules, we will miss out on much of what life has in store for us.  We, eventually, will lose ourselves.

South Forbes Golf City, one of the country’s largest fully-integrated golf resort cities and recipient of the 2007 CNBC International Property Awards for Best Golf Community Development, realizes the value of leisure time and actively promotes it through its Leisure Cluster.

“Leisure time is our opportunity for play and recreation, relaxation and self-expression, learning and development, especially to be participants in the development of our community which is South Forbes Golf City,” expressed Jeffrey Ng, Cathay Land president.

The immediate leisure amenity afforded every resident is the village clubhouse and its feature amenities that reflect the architecture and lifestyle of the featured city.  Châteaux de Paris will have its gardens of grandeur while the Tokyo Mansions clubhouse will feature its contemplative Zen garden for its residents who indulge in meditation. Clubhouses, in whatever theme, are ideal venues to spend quality family time and special community functions.

The City Center is the heart of the whole South Forbes development where a mix of retail, culture, business, and community life is created around a lagoon complex. Three major districts – Entertainment, Dining, and Shopping — embody the unique character of town center design in adherence to the pedestrian-friendly principles of New Urbanism.

“We want our residents to take advantage of everything we offer in South Forbes for their personal growth that will inspire that of their family and the community as well.” Move in right here, right now in South Forbes Golf City.  Call 635-7777 or 631-8855 for a free city tour and a complimentary round of golf.

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