Smart condo living

Condominiums have become ingenious instruments for living. Imagine having the conveniences of modern living right by your doorstep. In most cases, one may think of his unit as an extra-large bedroom while the rest of the building is his living room.

Scandia Suites is South Forbes Golf City’s new approach to contemporary living for the fast-paced professional. Life here is about living within and beyond the space of one’s own home. Everything is within reach from Scandia Suites – work, education, shopping, leisure, and nature.

Scandia Suites is a take off on Scandinavian modernism, conveying the sleekness and energy of modern technology – simple, uncomplicated, efficient, innovative. This inimitable style celebrates and reflects the desire to live in functional comfort and unpretentious style so much in demand today.

Sensible space management and well-thought through layouts make each suite the ultimate pad for people who prefer a residence that is high in style but low in upkeep. There are 4 unit types to choose from: studio, one, two, and three-bedroom units. The option for a fully-furnished unit will come with select furniture from brands known for their style, sophistication and quality — its simple lines bring out the beauty of the wood grain or the flexibility of metal.

Shopping and services will never come easier with the ground level dedicated to the immediate needs of its residents. A double shot of espresso from the café can kick-start your day while shopping for essentials like food, toiletries or magazines at the grocery can complete a shopping list. Mom can wait for her laundry to finish at the laundromat while getting a perm at the salon next door. It is total convenience without having to drive in heavy traffic or to search for parking.

Residents, both grown-ups and kids, can have so much fun with the facilities and amenities designed just for them. While parents take a quick dip at the landscaped pool on a hot day, their children can play with their neighbors at the gazebo or run around the garden.

Value-added services are also provided for Scandia Suites residents. With the option of being fully-serviced like professional housekeeping, one can spend extra time indulging in his favorite activities.

Call 635-7777 or 631-8855 for a free city tour and a complimentary round of golf.

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