FIABCI Asia-Pacific summit slated

FIABCI-Philippines, the Philippine Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation, more popularly known by its French acronym FIABCI, brings Philippine real estate to center stage as it hosts the FIABCI Asia Pacific Regional Summit this Nov.10 and 11, 2006 at the Intercontinental Manila, Makati City. FIABCI, a worldwide federation of more than 100 real estate professional organizations and 1.5 million real estate professionals in more than 60 countries spread over the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe-Africa-Near East, has focused on real estate market indicators for investment across the countries comprising the membership of FIABCI in the advent of globalization of the real estate market.

FIABCI Philippines president Bobby Sy is tasked to present a Philippine situationer of the Philippine’s investment hotspots and growth corridors while FIABCI Philippines Chairman of the Board, Arch. Jun Palafox presents perspectives on areas for urban growth and renewal in the Philippines. The Philippine real estate investment opportunities in the subsectors of infrastructure, eco-zone development, tourism and retirement facilities development shall also be presented by NEDA Director General Romulo Neri; PEZA Director General Lilia B. de Lima; PTA Chairman Robert Dean S. Barbers; PRA Chairman, Gen. Edgardo Aglipay and PRI President, Dr. Ernesto Ordonez. Joining the session on the retirement industry are Philip Webb who shall talk on the Australia retirement industry and Dr. Sopon Pornchochai on the Thailand Retirement Home scheme in the hope that our country can learn from their experiences.

FIABCI-Philippines shall also maximize its unique network privilege by accessing the experience of Malaysia and Singapore on real estate investment trusts (REIT). Mr. Kumar Tharmalingam of Hall Chadwick Asia who has tracked the REITS industry worldwide with a view to improve the financial marketability of commercial real estate in East Asia shall talk about REITS and foreign investment. Mr. Wong Ah Long of Pacific Star China shall discuss the impact of REITS on the property market. Mr. John Greig shall also present Australia’s best practices in agency business and Mr. Ho Chin Soon will present land use mapping in property development and consultancy.

Established in 1951 and based in Paris, France, FIABCI holds a special consultative status at the United Nations on matters pertaining to real estate.

Dato’ Alan Tong Kok Mau, Chairman of FIABCI’s Asia Pacific Region and FIABCI’s Immediate Past World President, aside from being known as Malaysia’s Condominium King, leads the roster of international members coming over from the countries of Australia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and the United Kingdom.

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