His gorgeous Punta Fuego home has a practical layout: the upper floor has two bedrooms; the middle level accommodates the living area, kitchen, an interior garden, and his workshop station where he executes "basic" electronics research", experimenting with things that used to confound him in his youth. The lower level is the sporting section where guests can frolic in the pool and play billiards. The house is oriented to let in the best sunlight. Lovely bougainvillea blooms frame the resort home.
The setting would have been a perfect tropical paradise until Mr. Bedke and his house staff discovered termites. "It was moderately infested," says Rey Viernes, president of Mr. Bugmaster, Inc., authorized operator of Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System. A portion of the bathhouse near the pool was attacked, as well as the kitchen. At the lower level, termites built mud tubes near gym mirrors. The homeowner feared that the wide mirrors would fall over so he borrowed a syringe from his girlfriend and injected the spot with chemical treatment. But this only repelled the termites and sent them skittering all over the place. "One has to do something," decides Bedke and finally sought the help of Mr. Bugmaster, Inc., the company that provides professional pest control services in a Manila condominium where he also owns a unit.
Viernes recalls his early encounter with the German client: "He asked, ‘How long will the problem be eliminated?" Mr. Bugmaster guaranteed total colony elimination by April. "He then asked me, ‘Are you sure?’ to test my resolve. I said yes."
Sentricon authorized pest control experts assures property owners that they can totally eliminate termite colonies because Sentricon System eradicates termite infestation effectively through a two-pronged approach – it acts as a treatment method and as an early warning device. The treatment is on track and the house looks to be successfully de-infested by summer. "They’re very attentive and very qualified," says the client of the pest control technicians. Home and property owners in need of professional protection against termites can call Mr. Bugmaster, Inc. at 805-8819, telefax no. 802-1931 or visit www.sentricon.com.
Bedke has been living here for 15 years and holds an RP retirement visa. He stays for eight months in the Philippines to bask in the glorious sun and when the heavy-downpour season arrives, he goes to Europe. He describes his experience of straddling between two cultures that he loves: "I like the contrast. The Philippines and Germany are completely different." Filipino time, the habit of arriving late for an appointment, drove him crazy in the beginning but he has gotten used to it: "We have to learn to relax.
The retiree looks younger than his age and keeps fit. He loves diving in Palawan, patronizes the local restaurant "Dalampasigan," and goes to Manila once in a while to stock up on provisions or go sailing at the Manila Yacht Club with his son. "I’m here because of the people," he says.
The South China Sea is especially mesmerizing when viewed from Bedke’s villa. The lower level leads to the coast; his yacht sits leisurely on placid waters. He has been to many places in the world but has only chosen to sail in the Philippines: "You ride in the wind . . . far from problems". Indeed, sailing refreshes the mind and soul, and with Sentricon protecting his property, Bedke is at peace knowing he will be able to enjoy seaside living for a long time.