
Real Estate

Trails’ New Phase Release launched

360û Living, the new corporate division of Britanny Corp., has just launched its New Phase Release for Trails of La Marea in San Pedro, Laguna, a limited collection of home and lot packages for young, urban achievers. La Marea is a welcoming village where homeowners find an ideal environment – from each individual residence to the entire community – in which to raise their families.

360û Living has inaugurated a model home called Ungiolley (un-joe-lee) as well as a new sales office, exclusively for buyers of Trails property. One of three model homes for Trails of La Marea, Ungiolley has a floor space of 160 sq.m. with a unique, multi-level architectural design conforming to the topography. Highlighted by a cathedral-type window, Ungiolley’s architecture and interior reveal a delightful interplay of space and height, maximizing roominess while bringing the outside and the inside together.

In line with La Marea’s relaxed aura, Ungiolley’s design evokes the feelings one gets on visiting a spa, of comfort and ease. Other new model homes for Trails are the Alexandra with 168 sq.m. and the Vittoria with 188 sq.m. of floor space, respectively. Lots are from 180 sq.m. to 300 sq.m.

Situated right on the new San Pedro Interchange of the South Luzon Tollway which will open any day now, La Marea is "city-close," removed yet not remote, with greenery very much in evidence. It is a neighborly community, with homeowners in their ’30s and ’40s, low-key and friendly but well on their way up the ladder of corporate life or thriving as entrepreneurs.

Since most residents are families, according to the philosophy of 360û Living, La Marea is built on the insight that raising young kids defines residents’ needs, lifestyles and priorities. All planning done by 360û Living is anchored around the family, with architectural designs and the thoughtful use of space presenting non-traditional ambiance and configurations. Harmony with nature is important.

The philosophy of 360û Living, given new expression at Trails, has five points: first, intelligent use of space – intelligent space planning shows how "more can be done with less," giving each home a feeling of being much bigger than its actual floor area; second, shelter around activity – each area of a home is designed with family activities in mind, promoting harmonious interaction; third, multi-functionality – rooms are designed for more than one function. The family room, for example, can serve as a guest area, or for reading, music or watching TV; fourth, space of one’s own – homes have individual spaces for every family member, be it a quiet corner for mom, a mini-work space for dad, or a hideaway for a child; and fifth, interior views – thoughtfully located windows look out onto delightful vistas, with natural light emphasizing the sense of space within.

Trails of La Marea also unveils other innovations to improve the quality of life of residents, thus putting "creating living" within reach. These innovations include new designs for picket fences, stone cladding to enhance the look and value of homes, garbage bins, termite control and mail boxes.

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