CPAC Monier targets other sectors of construction industry

Market leader CPAC Monier Philippines, Inc. (CMPI) is targeting to eventually change the local roofing landscape in the country. Now the country’s leading provider of concrete roof tiles, the company plans to aggressively convince more segments of the construction industry to switch to concrete roof tiles.

The company is a partnership between world leaders Lafarge of France and the Siam Cement Group of Thailand and currently dominates the high-end segment of the construction industry. It has however penetrated a significant portion of the economical housing segment and institutional projects.

According to its General Manager, Rodolfo Bueno, CPAC Monier roof tile is the more practical and durable alternative to GI sheets. They have been successful to persuade more and more architects, developers as well as household owners to switch to its concrete roof tiles.

CPAC Monier’s roof tiles are backed by superior technology from the world leaders in the roofing industry. CPAC Monier roof tiles produced in the Philippines have the same quality as those offered by Lafarge and the Siam Group in 40 countries worldwide.

Best suited for the country’s tropical climate, these roofing tiles reduce heat during summer and muffle noise from rain unlike GI sheets. They are rust proof and fire resistant, and have virtually no maintenance costs. What’s more, the company offers 25 years warranty on its products.

"No local manufacturer can match our quality," Bueno said. He also said the company’s state of the art production plant in Sto. Tomas, Batangas can produce up to two million tiles a month, enough to supply the requirements of builders nationwide.

Arnel Nacor, CMPI sales and marketing manager, said CPAC Monier concrete roof tiles can boast of durability, installation convenience, and affordability compared to any other product available locally.

With the offer of high quality and affordability, CMPI remains optimistic that the Philippine roofing landscape will eventually shift to such practical and more economical material to include not only high-end developments but also mass housing projects.

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