Real estate builders advocate sector growth

There are a lot of times when people come to me to ask about the good that they can get out of joining the Chamber of Real Estate and Builders’ Association (CREBA). Some of them are construction suppliers and engineers who think that CREBA’s membership is limited to people who are directly involved in the real estate and construction industry.

We would like to take this opportunity to tell the public that CREBA also welcomes allied professionals and service providers as members. Any natural or juridical person or entity engaged or involved, directly or indirectly, in the various development aspects of real estate, subdivision, housing and/or community development can join CREBA. Provided that they are duly registered and/or licensed under Philippine laws can join CREBA.

Members are classified into charter members or surviving incorporators; institutional members (business, trade and/or professional associations, and/or non-stock, non-profit organizations); corporate members (partnerships, corporations and/or cooperatives); chapter members (local or regional aggregation of natural and/or juridical persons); and individual members (individual or single proprietorship). Members who have rendered highly exceptional service in the furtherance of CREBA’s advocacy programs and initiatives and of the real estate and housing industry.

What do members get out of joining CREBA? For registration, please call up CREBA’s Secretariat at 373-2264 to 73.

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