The Decade of Action for Road Safety: Wear. Believe. Act.

MANILA, Philippines - The years 2011-2020 have been declared as the “Decade of Action for Road Safety” – this campaign was launched globally last May 11 by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Foundation, together with the World Health Organization (WHO) under a resolution approved by the United Nations (UN). Their objective is to stabilize, and then reduce the world’s road fatalities by at least 50%, come 2020.

This is after concluding that road crashes remain to be one of the major causes of death worldwide. It is estimated that 1.3 million people are killed on the world’s roads each year, 90% of which, occur in developing countries like the Philippines. In fact, local statistics show that an average of 50 road crashes occur in the country everyday – 80% of which, are caused by human error. And not only do they bring grief and suffering to the victims and their families, but these accidents also place a huge burden on the country’s hospitals and health system. It is therefore imperative that we take action immediately.

The Automobile Association of the Philippines (AAP) – the only FIA-member club in the country, and chair of the Philippine Global Road Safety Partnership (PGRSP) – is leading the country’s Decade of Action campaign, and has recently partnered-up with BPI Family Savings Bank (BFSB) through its volunteerism arm, BPI Bayan, to spread its new “Spread the Pledge” campaign. The advocacy calls for motorists to take the “Road Safety Pledge”, as a personal commitment to be safe on the road. The campaign targets at least 500,000 Metro Manila drivers.

“Road safety is one aspect that is almost taken for granted despite the alarming increase of road crashes every year,” points out BFSB President Jose Teodoro Limcaoco. “With this partnership, we can help promote and spread awareness on road safety among drivers and car owners,” he adds.

And to jumpstart their “Spread the Pledge” campaign, BFSB and the AAP held a Grand Swear-in last November 25 at the BPI head office’s carpark rooftop in Ayala, Makati. It was attended by the employees of BPI and BFSB, and led by BFSB President TG Limcaoco, BPI Foundation Executive Director Randy Maranan, AAP Director David Arcenas and internet-sensation-turned-BPI-endorser Christopher Lao.

Meanwhile, more Filipinos may take the pledge online by visiting the AAP’s website, and clicking on the Support the Campaign tab, to be able to read and accept the pledge. You may also accomplish this via Facebook, by liking the BPI Bayan Fanpage and reading and accepting the pledge. Of course, sharing the link on your wall will also be great!

After taking the pledge, participants have the option of buying themselves a Decade of Action for Road Safety pendant, which may be purchased at any AAP outlet. The pendant is intended to be a powerful symbol of our united fight against the suffering, grief and injustice caused by road deaths and injuries, worldwide. All proceeds from the sales of tags will be reinvested by the Road Safety Fund in Deacde of Action programs.

What’s more delightful to know, is that even F1 World Champions such as Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton, Michael Schumacher and Jenson Button have already made their pledges and begun participating in the global campaign by flashing their tags.

Says Lord Robertson, Chairman of Make Roads Safe, “The road safety tag is the new symbol of the global movement for safer roads. Wear the tag – believe in our collective ability to tackle these appalling road deaths – and together let us act to save millions of lives in the Decade of Action.”

And right here, right now, you may read and internalize the pledge:

I support the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020!

As a road user, I pledge:

To maintain my car in good, roadworthy condition;

To always use a seatbelt/helmet while driving;

Not to drive after drinking alcoholic beverages or after taking drugs that may impair my alertness, reflexes and faculties;

Not to use my cellphone while driving;

Not to be goaded into road rage by aggressive drivers or motorcyclists;

Not to throw garbage out of my car;

To always observe and follow road laws, rules and regulations;

So help me God.

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