Motorists Have Limited Options

It was because of the several trips I made lately to Subic and back to Manila related to the recent staging of the Sampaguita Rally organized by Motoring Today that I realized how close to the truth were the observations of many motorists and some of our readers regarding why most drivers would rather stay on the innermost lane while traveling through the North Expressway even when not passing or while on cruising speeds.

Though I still consider the number of billboards that can be seen along the toll ways reminding everyone on its proper use inadequate and the presence of PNCC traffic enforcers (whose mere visibility can be a deterrent to traffic violation) close to nil in many times, as factors that also contribute to the continuing habit of many drivers to stay in the left most or innermost lane – the main culprit, I finally realized, is the lack of proper infrastructure.

Many motorists refuse to stay on the middle lane even at cruising speeds and even when they are not passing because running their vehicles in this time-battered lane is like having a death wish for their automobile’s suspension.

The right lane is where most trucks and other heavy vehicles stay thus giving it a day in and day out battering. Now, if you couple this with sub-standard road construction processes using sub-standard specs, then you can expect hastened depreciation of that part of the highway.

With the right lane in such condition and in many parts of the toll ways in such deplorable state of disrepair, how can it be expected to have the motorists stay on the said lane, notwithstanding a string of billboards reminding them to do so? Of course fielding thousands of traffic enforcers along the toll way to implement the traffic rule, despite the road conditions, can make many drivers tow the line. But is that going to be fair? Especially that they are traveling along a highway that charges toll fees.

This is a "reality of life" that PNCC chairman Atty. Luis Sison would have to contend with. I know he is with us in wanting to put some order in our toll ways by strictly implementing traffic rules and regulations. But I guess we just have to wait until the total rehab of the North Tollways becomes a reality.

But in the meantime, can we afford anarchy in our toll ways?
There’s still the clamor for the next time
Ironically most of the birth pains in our effort to revive the Sampaguita Rally came only on the second attempt and it had to be when the motor sport registered a historic and record-breaking turnout. The main hitch was in the delay in the preparation and printing of the route book, which was subjected to a last minute cancellation of a particular stage, creating a multiplying domino effect on the rally’s schedules and its general conduct.

As the organizer I had to make a decision to let go of the already weary but "game-na-game pa" participants late in the evening upon being told that the final results wouldn’t be ready until another hour. And that was almost 10 o’clock and we were in Subic with many participants still a long way from home, some as far as Sta. Rosa in Laguna. Allen Mojica, the event manager responsible for the pre and post rally activities and chief steward "living legend of local motor sports" Pocholo Ramirez were one with me in deciding to have the awards night postponed to another day.

As they always say, "All’s well that ends well". And how well this chapter in the history of the Sampaguita Rally’s revival indeed ended.

Judging by the encouraging text messages and phone calls I received right after the final awards night held last Friday at the Valle Verde Country Club from participants themselves, both from winners and non-winners, many consider the 2nd Shell Helix-Motoring Today Motor Sports Challenge featuring "The Subic Experience" a huge success. And from those who have working knowledge of how managing events like this go – with many factors to consider, a lot of which can be beyond one’s control – we were given flying colors in our performance. And over and above these, the loud reverberating shout of participants after the awards night that they are looking forward to the next time can only edge us some more to go on our relentless revival of the sport that can be engaged in by any ordinary motor sport loving enthusiast.
And here’s the envelope – the winners are!
CHAMPION (Honda Makati) Bob Y. Palanca, Ramon Zialcita & Arnulfo Tamayo; 1st RUNNER UP (Honda Cars Phils.) Albert Teneros, Ma. Margarita Letizia Almeda & VoltairE T. Gonzales; 2ND RUNNER UP (Honda Cars Phils.) Joseph Palmos, Nani Mauleon & Dansel Palma; 3rd RUNNER UP (Isuzu Alabang) Jojo Katikbak, Erlo Tenedero & Valance Mauricio.
And to complete the Top 10 Winners
5th Place (C.A. Exhibits/Asia United Bank) Eric Valera, Michael Aurelio & Albert Gomez; 6th Place (Ford Alabang) Antonio Mapa, Francisco Mapa & David Arcenas; 7th Place (Isuzu-Mla. Bulletin) Aris Ilagan, Pinky Colmenares & Timmy Naval; 8th Place (Honda Cars Phils.) Norman Millare, Tin Tin Reyes & Gabby Peren; 9TH Place (Ford Balintawak) Rene Lopez, Fernando Mediran & Celso Zaccharias; 10th Place (PGA Cars) Andy Maribao & Darwin Ravinera.
And for the Special Awards
Most Precise in a Given Checkpoint (Honda Club) Eric Simon, Angelo Simon & Emmanuelle Simon; Best Dressed Up Car (C.A. Exhibits/Asia United Bank) Eric Valera, Michel Aurelio & Albert Gomez; Best in Uniform (Ford Makati) James Montecillo, Joaquin Lammoglia & Ritchie Uychico; Lone Casualty Award (Heel Sew Quil/Phil Flight Slimmers Group) Peter Binamira, Peter Edward Binamera & Kenneth Lojo.

And guys, thanks for encouraging me further. It would only mean that there would definitely be a next time.
A Black Eye For Formula 1
Will the real Austrian Grand Prix winner please stand up?

Ferrari made a mockery of Formula1 fans the world over when they ordered Rubens Barrichello to move aside to let teammate Michael Schumacher get past him in the last turn of the track. Barrichello, who lead all throughout the race, had no choice but to follow team orders. The fans in the grandstands were not very appreciative of Ferrari’s strategy and even the Tifosi showed no hesitation in boo-ing their beloved team. Needless to say, the move was not well received. It was a tainted win for Michael, and a bad PR move by Ferrari.

If this seems like déjà vu, well, it kinda is. This also happened last year, in this exact same track, the only difference is it was not for 1st place. Ferrari heard boos then, and they still heard boos now. Don’t you think they should have learned from their mistakes? And besides, Michael’s lead over Juan Pablo Montoya for the driver’s championship is already pretty hard to run after, as compared to his lead over David Coulthard last year. Everyone knows that Michael is his team’s #1 driver and Rubens is only #2, but I think Rubens deserves to think with his own mind here. For his part, Michael gave the trophy to Rubens and let him stand on the middle of the podium, but that did not salvage Ferrari’s falling stock.

Everywhere on the Internet F1 fans including local fanatics are letting everyone know what they think, even going to the extent of using words like "cheating" and "game fixing". Hopefully, this will not be repeated. Hats off to Rubens for being such a great sport and true team player.
Part 2 of the TV coverage of the recently held Sampaguita Rally airs this Sunday on Motoring Today (11:30 a.m., Channel 4 Manila and on NBN.

Happy Motoring!!! For Comments: (e-mail)

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