Entrepreneurial spirit during challenging times

MANILA, Philippines - Thirty-three years ago, the untimely demise of my father forced me to take the rein and assume the management of our then emerging business. In my early 20’s then, armed with the knowledge imparted by my late father, inspired by the guidance of my mother and strengthened by the support and collective wisdom of my brothers, I was able to propel the company to a greater height unimaginable to us before. Sterling Paper Products Enterprises Inc. has metamorphosed to a conglomerate now called the Sterling Paper Group of Companies. We have honed and developed our competencies in various business interests. Today, we have companies engaged in paper manufacturing, toys and office equipment, department stores and stationery shops, call center, real estate and lately in agriculture. We employed more than 5,000 employees nationwide.

The road we took was not easy. There were hurdles along the way. Competition was fierce and strong but we were unfazed. One of our business principles that made us what we are today, is to respect and wish our competitors strength and success. For it is with a strong competition that one can show its true supremacy over the others.

Being a Chinese-Filipino, I was born and educated in the Philippines. I consider myself a cross of two cultures. In my younger days, I was exposed to Chinese traditions, customs and literatures. I got to learn and lived the Chinese philosophy that helped me went through trying as well as good times. In business, I opt to apply the best of both cultures. The entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese combined with the hard work and ingenuity of the Filipinos is a perfect match for a strong business performance.

Many accolades have been bestowed upon me, to our various companies and our employees. In 2002, I was awarded the Aurelio Periquet, Jr. Business Leadership award for being one of the country’s outstanding business leaders. In the following year, I was bestowed the Dr. Jose P. Rizal, award for Excellence in the field of Management and Finance. In 2004, the Philippine Marketing Association honored me with the Agora award for Entrepreneurship. In 2005, I was adjudged as a finalist in the Earnst & Young Entrepreneur of the year. I was also recognized as one of the Outstanding Alumni by the University of the Philippines as well as Letran College of Manila. Yet, I did not rest on these laurels but continue my path to knowledge and learning. After all, education is one of the main advocacies of my father that led him to the establishment of Sterling Paper Company. Setting an example to my employees, I entered the Harvard Business School in 2003, despite my busy schedules. We also sponsored scholarship programs for our employees and their children. In addition, we actively contributed to the establishment of numerous school buildings all over the country.

The burning desire to extend my hand beyond my employees and the peripherals of my businesses has led me to Agriculture. In agriculture, one will be able to touch the lives of the poor in our rural communities, our farmers. Helping them improve their economic status will rebound to a richer Philippines and a happy and peaceful citizenry. As a Filipino of Chinese ancestry, I became instrumental in bridging the friendship and economic ties between Philippines and China. In 1998, with our company as a catalyst of change, the hybrid rice technology, which China perfected, was finally introduced in the Philippines. After years of research and development, we finally introduced in 2002 a hybrid rice seed variety known as SL-8H that promises high yield and quality tasting rice. It helps to pave the way for the farmers to adapt to modern rice farming technology. Since then, SL-8H has been the preferred variety for farmers nationwide. Many testimonials were given by farmers who were and still are very satisfied with our product and whose lives were improved. One farmer in Nueva Ecija even boasted that the yearly income of a bank manager in his area fall short of his earnings even just for one cropping season. Our neighboring countries took cognizance of these success stories and soon enough, orders have been knocking on our doors. As of today, we have exported seeds to Indonesia, Bangladesh and other tropical countries. We also have expanded our seed production in some countries. Results have been encouraging. I feel proud for our product and how it helps the Filipino farmers and our country in the quest for food sufficiency. However, there are many detractors as to be expected. But our true shield is our product excellence. SL Agritech Corporation, then a “new kid in the block”, is now a major force in the industry. My measure of success is not mere profit but more importantly is our ability to perform and deliver our corporate social responsibility. Today, the passion continues to burn in me and serves as an internal force that propel me, my brothers, our employees and the whole organization to aim for greater heights and perfection.

Nowadays, newspapers are dominated by stories of people loosing their jobs, companies folding up, market meltdown and bleak business climate. But for me, this is the perfect ground for young entrepreneurs to emerge and rise above the challenges. For it is only at times of upheavals and uncertainties that heroes are made. The risks are high but there are opportunities as well. In my recent trip to China, the Chinese leaders urged their local entrepreneurs to take risk. They are even willing to condone failures that may happen as a consequence. Unfortunately, the Philippines does not have the luxury of a humongous $2 trillion in financial reserve as China. Nevertheless, it should not stop our local entrepreneurs to be bold and daring. For the greatest risk for an entrepreneur is not to take risk. Excellence stems from one’s drive to overcome the risk and hurdles. And with excellence comes success, fulfillment and a chance to be recognized as an industry leader.

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