Eastwood City Cyberpark gets high marks

Eastwood City Cyberpark — the country’s very first information technology (IT) park — has received high marks from one of its most important stakeholders: Business process outsourcing (BPO) employees.

In a survey conducted last month, 91 percent of respondents rated Eastwood Cyberpark as a favorable workplace. For them, Eastwood has great amenities, wonderful dining and shopping choices, a peaceful environment and clean surroundings. They also find it accessible, less polluted than other urban areas and a good place to work. The free regular concerts are also a major come-on for them.

Majority, at 91 percent, find their office atmosphere at Eastwood favorable to work. Since many of Eastwood Cyberpark’s locators are multinationals – including Citibank, IBM, Dell and eTelecare – employees here work in modern office environments that promote productivity.

Over 88 percent also said that Eastwood is highly accessible, due to the availability of vans that ply the Cubao and Ortigas to Eastwood. They also appreciate the availability of Citylink buses, whose route is along C5 to Eastwood, and the free shuttle rides within Eastwood City.

Meanwhile, over 89 percent say that Eastwood has enough support facilities such as banks, pay phones and Internet shops. BPO and call center employees appreciate that they have easy access to their funds for dining and shopping. A phone call is all it takes to hang out with their friends and family in Eastwood.

Four out of five employees find Eastwood comparable to other urban areas such as Makati and Ortigas. Roughly the same ratio say that they are happy with the compensation they are getting from their Eastwood employer. An interesting statistic – 55 percent, say that they are able to save a portion of their salaries.

Considering all of these factors, about 86 percent of all those surveyed say that they will “very likely” and “likely” recommend Eastwood Cyberpark as a place of work to their friends and relatives.

“The results of this survey are very important for us. We at Megaworld, as the developer of Eastwood City Cyberpark, appreciate it that our locators, in particular their employees, value our efforts to make Eastwood a good place to work,” declared Megaworld FVP for Business Development Jericho Go.

With all of these favorable factors in place, roughly three out of five individuals see themselves working in Eastwood Cyberpark for five years or more.

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