Family values make good business sense

In the past 30 years, Jollibee has grown from one store with a handful of employees to a company with a workforce of over 40,000 people in more than 600 stores nationwide.  At the heart of its success is a family-oriented approach to personnel management, making Jollibee one of the most admired employers in the region with an Employer of the Year Award from the Personnel Management Association of the Philippines, Best Employer in the Philippines Award from Hewitt Associated, and a Top 20 Employer in Asia citation from the Asian Wall Street Journal.

“Jollibee is a household name and has become part of Filipino families. As such, we are expected to be very good at personal relationships,” explains Tet Jotie, Jollibee assistant vice president for human resources.

When Jollibee hands out its company-wide Walang Kupas (for loyalty) and Golden Bee (for exemplifying Jollibee core values) Awards, the awardees’ families are also invited. And while it’s common for many companies to treat their employees to a summer trip, Jollibee goes a step further and includes the family members.

Even working students and other crew members paid on a daily basis have a lot to gain from the company’s key human resource programs. Like regular employees, they participate in a self-development module called “Unleash the Highest Potential of your Life” that aims to help them integrate personal goals with company values. The program also includes budget management sessions for the employees and their spouses.

Like any good Filipino home, respect for the individual, concern for each other, trust and openness rank very highly in the Jollibee culture. Tuition assistance is available for working students and monthly-paid employees who wish to pursue a second degree.

Employee feedback is highly valued and gets heard by even the top executives. Apart from the organizational survey and company newsletter, a regular breakfast session gives employees a chance to air their concerns directly to Ernesto Tanmantiong, Jollibee business unit head and president.

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