PDIC, PHILJA hold seminar workshop

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. (PDIC) in partnership with the Philippine Judicial Academy (PHILJA) has conducted a seminar-workshop on deposit insurance; banking practices; and bank conservatorship, receivership and liquidation in Davao City recently. Participants were judges from regional trial courts in Mindanao, commercial court judges and other members of the judicial community from the national capital region and the Visayas. Distinguished speakers included PDIC general counsel Romeo M. Mendoza Jr., Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Deputy Governor and general counsel Juan de Zuniga Jr., PDIC first vice president for Litigation and Investigation Group Ma. Antonette Brillantes-Bolivar, PHILJA Commercial Law Department professorial lecturer Jose Salvador Y. Mirasol, and, Anti-Money Laundering Council deputy director and head of Compliance and Investigation lawyer Richard David C. Funk II. The seminar-workshop tackled the following areas: overview and salient amendments of the amended PDIC Charter, bank conservatorship, receivership and liquidation, unsafe and unsound banking practices, anti-money laundering law and other BSP related regulatory actions. Participants worked on sample cases to help them apply learnings from the discussion.

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