Northern Mindanao ships poultry products to Japan

MANILA, Philippines - More export products now come out of northern Mindanao.

Already known for its pineapple and other fruit exports, northern Mindanao has recently added poultry to its export champions with  an initial shipment to Japan of chicken cut-up parts and whole Peking duck, all from Bukidnon.

The Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Unit 10 reported recently  to Secretary Proceso Alcala, through the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS),  that Misamis Oriental-based SMFI-Maharlika Marine Ventures made its first shipment of 4,856 kilos (around 4.8 metric tons) of fresh chicken cut-ups in mid-December 2013. Two weeks later, the same company exported 11,000 kilos (11 metric tons) of whole Peking duck.

More shipments of both products are expected this year, the report added.

Under Secretary Alcala’s watch, DA has been aggressively working to expand export markets for Filipino poultry and livestock products.

The Philippines is banking on the country’s status as free from major animal diseases to break into new markets or expand in existing ones. The bigger goal is to further shrink the country’s trade deficit which went down 70 percent in the first half of last year, thanks to faster growth in exports, coupled with a slowdown in imports.

The Philippines remains among the very few country in the world free from foot-and-mouth disease and avian influenza or bird flu.

“It is a badge of excellence that we -- referring to the government and the private sector -- should use to the fullest for the benefit of our stakeholders, notably the smallholders,” Secretary Alcala was quoted as saying on several occasions.

The DA has already scored a major point last year. Before 2013 ended, the Philippines successfully cracked  South Korea’s $300-million fresh frozen chicken market after the Korean Quarantine Inspection Agency granted Bulacan-based Bounty Fresh Food Inc. the go-ahead to start sending its fresh chicken products to the East Asian country.

That development propelled the Philippines to become the first and only Asian country to export poultry products to South Korea, boosting its distinction as a reliable source of safe and quality meat products.

Negotiations are also on for the country’s bid to export whole dressed chicken, pork and other meat products to the equally lucrative United Arab Emirates market, primarily aimed at Filipino workers and other foreign expatriates there.

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