Latest issue of LaMB magazine off the press

MANILA, Philippines - Making money in egg production can be tricky due to erratic demand-supply situation that can dampen farm gate prices. But did you know egg producers in Batangas have been able to deal with this issue after they put up a modern liquid egg processing plant whose output can serve the needs of the baking, salad dressing, pasta and noodles making,  and food service industries?

Are you aware that with Japan’s help, Lemery town in Batangas has been able to improve its animal trade system and now boasts having the nation’s most modern livestock auction market?

Did you know that while hog breeder Jhon and Jhon Farms in Rizal underwent a “farm management crisis,” it was able to overcome the problem and today  is back in business a with even better products and services?

Find out about these topics and other interesting articles in the latest issue of Livestock and Meat Business (LaMB)  Philippines magazine, which is now off the press and available to the public for only P100 per copy (pick up, Quezon City).

LaMB is a specialized agribusiness magazine published by Farm Media Development Enterprises, a private outfit of  Fermin Diaz, a director of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists  (PAJ) Inc.

The magazine comes out every quarter. It covers grains, feeds and feed milling, veterinary health and animal nutrition, poultry and livestock, meat processing and meat trade, cold chain and logistics, and allied industries.

Copies are available at the DA Agribusiness Development Center. For subscription and ad placement inquiries, please email at  or call (02) 912-7657 or 0929-979-0103.



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