BFAR focuses on high-value species

MANILA, Philippines - The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) is focusing on the social and economic potential of high-value species such as shellfish, crab, sea cucumber, abalone, scallops, seaweed and groupers (lapu-lapu), as well as backyard culture of sea urchin.

Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Director Malcom Sarmiento said they have a master plan that includes ongoing construction of hatcheries for high-value marine species, as well as improvements on existing private hatcheries for their brood stock. They will also focus on aquaculture propagation by catching breeders from the wild using eco-friendly technologies.

Developing mariculture park networks, which have been unveiled in Tawi-Tawi and nearby islands of Sibutu and Sitangkai, is also part of BFAR’s master plan to promote the propagation of high-value fishes, particularly groupers (lapu-lapu), sea urchin and abalone. Sarmiento added, “These projects will create more livelihood opportunities and increase the fishermen’s income. BFAR envisions these mariculture parks as networks serving as trade posts for high-value fisheries, which will use enable vessels with ‘live wells’ to ply nautical highways to pick up live fish and route to local and international markets.”

BFAR will be holding seminars, live fish display and other interactive activities at AgriLink, which is also supported by 20 other major Philippine trade associations. The event’s theme, “Good Agricultural Practices: Key to Competitiveness,” will bring together local and international suppliers and exhibitors, highlighting the latest technologies and inputs that will improve efficiency, competitiveness and sustainability of the interconnected industries of food, agriculture and aquaculture. For information, email

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