Coffee board backs SAI Phils

MANILA, Philippines - Sustainable Agriculture Initiative-Philippines (SAIP) has found a staunch supporter in one of the most active and vibrant sectors in the country’s agricultural industry today – the coffee sector.

“We strongly believe in the idea of working towards the promotion of sustainable agricultural practices in the country. Everybody – from consumers to manufacturers and farmers to the entire food industry as a whole – will benefit from its practice,” said Rudy Trillanes of the Philippine Coffee Board (PCB), an organization that counts among its members different stakeholders involved in the manufacture of coffee.

The coffee sector is likewise one of the most active in SAI Europe -the inspiration of the establishment of SAI in the Philippines. Since its formation in 1996 by Nestlé Switzerland, S.A., Danone, and Unilever, SAI Europe has successfully implemented programs that have benefited coffee farming industries worldwide.

These programs were all geared towards SAI’s goals or promoting practices and systems that help preserve the future availability of current resources and enhance their efficiency. 

It likewise aims to improve the quality, safety and nutritional value of agricultural products, helps improve farmers’ productivity through livelihood programs, and encourages land, soil, and water conservation.

“The aim of SAI is noble and if the private sector, government agencies, and non-government organizations can come together to work towards this ideal, not only is the agricultural sector gaining from it, but the entire country as well,” Trillanes said.

The SAI Platform’s key actions include raising and communicating to relevant audiences the need for a sustainable agriculture platform, managing knowledge on sustainable agriculture practices, identifying and involving stakeholders (farmers, consumers, and food manufacturers), and supporting the implementation of sustainable agriculture practices.

The establishment of SAI in the Philippines in 2006 was initiated by Nestlé, which has itself come up with its own sustainable agriculture projects for its coffee product, NESCAFE.  

These include the establishment of the Nestlé Satellite Buying Station, wherein farmers can now go directly to Nestlé to sell their harvests at standard world prices.

The company has also set up the Nestlé Experimental and Demonstration Farm in Tagum, Davao where farmer can receive free lectures and training on the latest coffee growing methods.

Nestlé has likewise introduced the Coffee Based Sustainable Farming System, wherein farmers are encouraged to plant cash crops alongside their coffee plants to help augment their income.

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