Does your 'meat' meet the right quality standards?

Recently honored with the “Top Retailer of the Year” award in 2007 by the Philippine Retailers Association and the Department of Trade and Industry, Monterey shares three easy steps to follow when buying “meat”.  

The first step is to check out the meat. The quality of some meat is usually best seen in terms of color, which is mainly influenced by age of the animal, species, sex, diet and even the exercise it gets! Meat from older animals is usually darker in color since “myoglobin level” increases with age.

And when buying high-quality lean meats, the signs to look for are beef and pork with few fat or white parts, meat that’s firm with fine-grained fiber, and non-offensive smell. Other signs to look for are mouth-feel, texture and similar sensory attributes.

The second step is to know how the meat was processed. Monterey hogs and cattle, whether grown by contract growers or by one of Monterey’s own farms, are raised according to strict standards and practices using only feeds, supplements, and vaccines checked and supplied by the company.

The meats then undergo an advanced blast-chilling process to neutralize bacterial growth. So from breeding to meat storage, every step ensures the meats will reach your dinner table tender and disease-free.

The third and final rule is to check out store where you’re buying meat from. Monterey Meatshop offers a modern meat fabrication equipment and display showcase. Its employees were trained in Monterey Meat School to handle meat products safely, and to serve its customers professionally. There are over 400 Monterey meat shops all over the county.

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