Considered as the most successful mul-tilateral environmental agreement with 190 member countries including the Philip-pines, the Montreal Protocol is the first glo-bal undertaking that restricts the produc-tion and use of chloroflourocarbons (CFCs), the industrial solvents and materials that deplete the ozone layer.
Nationwide contests will complement various recognition awards and contests organized by the ozone secretariat of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). These activities will promote grea-ter awareness on the value of the ozone layer and drum up support for the coun-try’s effort to comply with its international commitment under the Montreal Protocol.
Activities include an e-poster contest where local winners will have a chance to join the international poster design contest and the e-quiz competition where local winners will compete with teams from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
Inquiries are entertained at tel. no. 928-12-44.  Benny Enriquez