Agri journalists to visit PhilRice

Officers and members of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists, Inc. (PAJ) will hold a familiarization tour of the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija on march 13-14 upon the invitation of Dr. Leocadio Sebastian, PhilRice executive director.

Sanny Galvez, PAJ president, said his group, in coordination with Diadem B. Gonzales, head of PhilRice’s development communication division, will tour the agency’s offices and laboratory facilities "for us to be familiar with the accelerated research and technological development in our rice industry at PhilRice."

"We are also meeting with the members of the local media and information officers and agricultural agencies in Central Luzon for the formation of a PAJ regional chapter in Central Luzon," Galvez said. The group’s first regional chapter is PAJ Calabarzon based in UP Los Baños organized in March 2006. Its president is Dr. Matilde Maunahan of UPLB-PHRTC who is concurrent PAJ national vice president for internal affairs.

Among those expected to attend the meeting, which is scheducled at 2 p.m. on March 14, at the PhilRice training room, are The STAR’s Manny Galvez and Dr. Sosimo Pablico, Anselmo Roque of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and other members of the Nueva Ecija Press Corps.

A mini press conference with officials of PhilRice will follow after the showing of a film on the history of PhilRice.

Aside from Galvez and Maunahan, the PAJ officers who are expected to join the tour are: Noel Reyes of the Department of Agriculture, Ruby Lumongsod of Quedancor, Inez Magbual of PTV 4, Thelma Tolentino of the Philippine Coconut Authority, Johnny Goloyugo of IRRI, freelance writer Mike Alunan, Roderick dela Cruz of Manila Standard Today, Rudy Fernandez of The Philippine STAR, Ed Munsayac of COCAFM, Fermin Diaz of Lamb Magazine, Betsy Ison of PNA, Ching Lumanta of the National Dairy Authority, Minda Diloy of Philippine Carabao Center, Cora Abio of NFA and Johnny Nuñez of PNA.

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