PCC launches book on successful buffalo raisers

A book on the country’s successful Murrah buffalo raisers was launched last week by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) during its 13th anniversary celebration.

Titled "Changing Lives - Beyond the Draft Carabao," the book was written by Dr. Sosimo Ma. Pablico, who went around the country to interview successful buffalo-based entrepreneurs from up north (Cagayan) to down south (Davao City and Cotabato).

This book is the second by Pablico, one of the founders of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists, Inc. and a prolific agricultural journalist, who writes for The STAR and other agricultural publications. His first book of this kind, "Rise with Rice," was launched by PhilRice (Philippine Rice Research Institute) at about this time last year.

"Changing Lives - Beyond the Draft Carabao" captured the testimonies of recipients of the PCC crossbreeding and buffalo-based enterprise development programs. It also summarized the social dimension of the country’s carabao development program.

Among the stories included in the book are the exploits of women in a barangay in the Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija who dared the discouraging comments of barangay residents on the Murrah buffalos that were given to them. There are also stories on professionals - electronics communications engineer, teachers, medical technologist, government retirees, agribusiness - who made good as Murrah buffalo raisers.

Also included in the book is a lengthy story on the processors of carabao milk, who were able to raise their family and send their children by making white cheese and pastillas de leche among others.

The author, a retired professor from the Mariano Marcos State University in Batac, Ilocos Norte, is now an active agricultural journalist.

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