Bayer building wins international award

The Bayer building in Canlubang  was adjudged 2nd runner-up in the ASEAN Energy Awards 2005 (representing the Philippines), under the category Energy Efficiency and Conservation New and Existing Building. Singapore’sNational Institute of Education Building and Malaysia’ßs Telecom Malaysia Berhad Building won 1st prize and 1st runner-up honors, respectively.

Architect Amado de Jesus, chairman of the ASEAN Energy Awards 2005 said, "The Bayer House won an award because of its proper orientation and exceptional design, particularly the double facade on the south side that cut down considerably solar penetration.  This resulted in reduced energy needed to cool the building.  Energy savings practices such as use of day lighting combined with effective lighting design and scheduled automatic shut-off of equipment contributed to the award. Bayer scored highly in the over-all criteria for judging."  

The close to five-hectare Bayer building and facility showcase energy efficiency and conservation and promote sound environmental practices such as waste management, waste water treatment, safety and emergency response training.  All buildings within the facility are smoke-free. The refrigerant used is a non-ozone depleting substance.

The ASEAN Energy Awards (AEA), which began in 2000, is Southeast Asia’s prestigious annual awards program that recognizes outstanding work for excellence, creativity, practicality and dedication to a cause in the field of energy.  Awardees are chosen through a competition by a Board of Judges, composed of representatives of each ASEAN-member country namely, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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