ESP president Antonio M. Claparols, in a letter to Sen. Mar Roxas, explained that the Philippine government is duty bound to ratify this international agreement as majority countries of the world have already ratified the same. The latest is Russia, which ratified the Protocol late last year.
"In lieu of the effects of global warming and climate change which are astronomical and wreaks havoc on our country, the region and the world, we ask the Philippine Senate to immediately ratify the Kyoto Protocol," Claparols said.
"The seas are rising and getting warmer, we are now experiencing flash floods and typhoons never experienced before especially in off seasons, the bleaching of corals and the unpredictable weather of El Niño and La Niña are now with us because of the continuous burning of fussel fossil.
"We urge the Senate to ratify this international agreement and protect our nation and the world from the ill effects of climate change and global warming," he added.