Strengthening air quality management

Air quality management got another boost with the signing by President Arroyo of Malacañang Memorandum Circular No. 55 on Feb. 9, directing all departments, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities of the government, including government-owned and controlled corporations to incorporate the use of one percent by volume coconut methyl ester (CME) in their diesel requirements.

The circular, which Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Elisea Gozun and Energy Secretary Vincent Perez, pushed hard for the Chief Executive’s approval, seeks to support the implementation of the Clean Air Act or Republic Act 8749, with the government as a major user of motor vehicles operating on diesel fuel.

According to Gozun, CME blended with petroleum diesel fuel can reduce harmful emissions such as particulates, sulfur, and greenhouse gases, thereby, improving air quality and at the same time improving the performance of the engines. She also cited that the use of CME in the diesel-fed vehicles would "create new market opportunities for the country’s marginalized farmers, while reducing pollution.

The CME-Diesel Program will be implemented with the Departmenet of Energy (DOE) as the lead agency. The DOE has also been directed to coordinate with various government agencies and private entities involved in CME activities, and shall prepare a strategic plan outlining national goals in the development and expanded utilization of CME including its monitoring.

The Philippine Coconut Authority has been directed to include in its national program for the coconut industry, the development of the supply chain for CME, and in consultation with the public/private sectors, formulate a program to encourage investment and technology for the production of CME to meet the needs of the domestic market.

From November 2002 up to the present, 55 percent of the diesel-fed vehicles of DENR central office (about 45 vehicles) have been using biodiesel. Hand in hand with the promotion and use of clean fuel, the DENR undertakes varied activities and explores external finding opportunities to improve air quality management particularly in Metro Manila.

Early this year, through its Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) it has started working with the Environmental Services of Australia and the Gaia South Philippines on institutional strengthening and capacity building for air quality management. This is part of the Asian Development Bank-assisted project, Metro Manila Air Quality Improvement Sector Development, as a loan agreement to conduct specific steps in strategically air quality management in the Metro Manila airshed which includes the National Capitol Region, Regions 3 and 4a.

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