Montemayor lauds PAJ’s revival; STAR agri editor elected prexy

Agriculture Secretary Leonardo Montemayor welcomed the revival of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists, Inc. (PAJ) so it can resume its "important role in informing our people of developments concerning agriculture and fisheries, agrarian reform and the environment, agribusiness industry and the Philippine countryside."

"I am glad that the PAJ is back," the DA chief said, noting that the group can contribute its share in countryside development through responsible developmental journalism.

He said the PAJ’s reactivation "comes at an opportune time when the Macapagal-Arroyo Administration needs the help and support of all sectors – including agricultural journalists – to underscore the peace and development initiatives it is undertaking to heal the nation and go on with its enormous task of eradicating poverty and propelling the economic recovery of our country."

The PAJ recently conducted its 25th annual convention – with the theme, PAJ: 25 Years of Service to Countryside Development–and election of officers, which was attended by over 100 members.

It is a professional association of editors, reporters and media practitioners in the field of agriculture, agrarian reform, and environment and natural resources, and government information officials and staff, including corporate and media affairs officers of agribusiness companies and industry groups.

Roman Floresca, assistant business editor and agriculture editor of The Philippine STAR, was elected president. The other officers are: Sanny Galvez (Manila Bulletin), VP for internal affairs; Dr. Mary Ebitha De (Meriam College), VP for external affairs; Ruby Lumongsod (Quedancor), secretary; Inez Magbual (Department of Agriculture), treasurer; Rudy Fernandez (Phil. STAR), PRO; Noel Reyes (DA), business manager; and Tony Rodriguez (San Miguel Corp.), auditor.

The other members of the board are: PAJ immediate past president Mary Ann Reyes (Phil. STAR), Jake Espino (Phil. News Agency), Thelma Tolentino (Phil. Coconut Authority), Ramy Alvarez (Greenfields), Ric Pinca (Phil Ass’n. of Flour Millers), Michael Alunan (freelance writer), and Fermin Diaz (freelance writer).

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