EU-Philippines Partnership Conference puts spotlight on digitalization

The conference attracted over 150 participants comprised of national and international experts, influential private sector leaders and industry professionals who convened to explore the profound impact of embracing digitalization.

MANILA, Philippines — The International Trade Centre, in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the European Union (EU) delegation to the Philippines, recently held the EU-Philippines Partnership Conference as part of the DTI’s prestigious Philippines National Exporters’ Week.

The conference attracted over 150 participants comprised of national and international experts, influential private sector leaders and industry professionals who convened to explore the profound impact of embracing digitalization.

The conference’s primary focus was to illuminate the immense potential of digital transformation in elevating the competitiveness of Philippine micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). It delved into the opportunities and challenges faced by Philippine businesses, especially in key markets like the EU.

“Our MSMEs, which are the backbone of the Philippine economy, must adapt to the changing global environment, particularly digitalization. The discussions at this event will empower MSMEs with a greater understanding and appreciation for digitalization while providing a platform to connect with vital players and enablers in the digital economy,” said DTI Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo.

Digital transformation, the integration of digital technology into various business aspects, is a catalyst for innovation, competitiveness and growth. Beyond these advantages, it has emerged as a potent driver for sustainability and the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals.

This transformation offers the potential to revolutionize MSMEs, significantly enhancing their competitiveness and promoting sustainability and green business practices.

EU Delegation head of trade Philipp Dupuis said Philippine MSMEs could harness the opportunities presented by digital transformation and the country’s green transformation. “With its youthful demographic, renewable energy resources, and more, the Philippines is ripe for MSMEs to engage in business with the EU, promote economic development, integrate into the global economy, and alleviate poverty.”

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