BOC, PEZA data sharing to boost trade services

MANILA, Philippines — The Bureau of Customs (BOC) and the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) have entered into a data sharing agreement (DSA) in a bid to provide better trade services.
The DSA would allow for the access to the electronic tracking of containerized cargo (E-TRACC) system that aims to improve efficiency and security of trade and economic zone operations in the country.
The E-TRACC system enables the real-time monitoring of inland movements of containerized goods, using a technology-enabled system such as the GPS-enabled tracking device to secure its transport to the intended destination. It can also detect diversion and tampering.
The E-TRACC system is a vital tool for the revenue agency to identify and prevent illegal activities during the movement of cargoes. These include erroneous delivery of containers, missing containers, or unauthorized diversion.
Under the DSA, PEZA will gain access to the E-TRACC System data, enabling real-time monitoring of containerized goods and individuals within and outside economic zones.
The collaboration targets to enhance efficiency, transparency and security in cargo transportation to and from these zones.
Key provisions of the DSA also focus on data privacy, security, storage and retention of confidential information.
BOC commissioner Bienvenido Rubio and PEZA director general Tereso Panga both emphasized the transformative potential of streamlined data sharing and cooperation.
The BOC is mandated with overseeing the handling, custody, and delivery of goods at all ports of entry. PEZA, on the other hand, is responsible for regulating, supervising, and facilitating business operations within economic zones.
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