At 77, MVP has not stopped dreaming of a better future for all

Manny V. Pangilinan

MANILA, Philippines — Manny V. Pangilinan, popularly known as “MVP,” has always been a dreamer and, yes, a man with a mission – that is to uplift Filipinos’ lives.

His business and personal undertakings are invariably imbued with a high sense of purpose, whether it’s in telco and media or infrastructure, utilities, sports, or even cybersecurity.

More recently, MVP’s vision has expanded to food production – developing the Philippine dairy industry and improving logistics capability to bring goods to the market at a cheaper price.

At 77, there’s definitely no stopping this astute businessman from innovating and investing in the future.

We asked MVP’s most valuable resource – his people – on how the PLDT Group and Metro Pacific Investment Corp., which he heads, has transitioned through the years, how it contributes to nation building, and the lengths it goes through to provide “a better future for all.”

Victorico P. Vargas, Office of the Chairman; head of talent, culture & cultivation, PLDT ; associate director, First Pacific HK

I joined MVP when he was president and CEO of PLDT in 2000. Back then, it was already the largest telecommunications company in the Philippines. Most others would have stopped at that. It would have been a worthy endeavor for any individual to vastly improve a nation’s telecommunications network. But through MVP’s able leadership, he grew his group, and diversified it into power, water, media, tollways, and digital healthcare. These show his commitment to invest in the country – particularly in businesses that can help facilitate commerce and grow our economy. More recently, MVP’s vision has expanded to food production.

Likewise, PayMaya has grown with Maya Bank, a digital bank which provides Filipinos a chance to save and make interest, and widens access to capital for small entrepreneurs. Since I met him, MVP has never stopped dreaming of a better future for all, and I am so lucky to stand witness to all his hard and ambitious work.

Alfredo S. Panlilio, president and CEO, PLDT

The essential services offered by the MVP Group – from telecommunications and digital services to electricity, water, road infrastructure, healthcare, media, and more – continue to be key sources of stability for the Philippines and help lead our nation’s growth. Specific to PLDT Group, we are best positioned to support the government’s digitalization goals through our superior integrated network and initiatives, such as our landmark tower deals since 2022. Our investments in data centers and international cable systems also aim to strengthen the country’s position to be the hyperscaler destination in Asia Pacific.

On your special day, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt wishes for yet another incredible year, and a lifetime, ahead. As the driving force behind the MVP Group, your visionary leadership has propelled the organization to new heights. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to excellence inspire us all to reach for greatness. Under your guidance, not only are we able to achieve remarkable wins but we also make a profound impact on the lives of countless Filipinos. May your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Here’s to another incredible year and many more birthdays filled with happiness and success. Happy birthday, MVP!

Augie Palisoc Jr., president, Metro Pacific Health Corp.

The MVP Group created the first nationwide chain of hospitals in the Philippines – Metro Pacific Health Corp. With a network of 21 hospitals throughout the country and growing, its mission is to make quality and affordable healthcare accessible to all Filipinos.

Ramoncito S. Fernandez, president and CEO, Maynilad Water Services Inc.

MVP has expanded the Group’s portfolio over the years to include companies whose products and services are fundamental to improved quality living – from telecoms to energy, water, toll roads, rail, hospitals, mining, food and agriculture. In so doing, he has fingers dipped in a wide range of industries that not only propel economic growth but also shape social development. It’s not all business for MVP, either, because he is also an active supporter of national sports development. Through all these, MVP is able to contribute to nation building in a major way.

Orlando Vea, founder and CEO, Maya Philippines; co-founder, Maya Bank

Throughout the years, the MVP Group’s trajectory has been intertwined with the country’s growth story. Every connection we make and service we deliver contribute to a stronger and more inclusive nation – driving progress and transforming lives. We’re co-creators of a brighter future for all Filipinos.

Miguel G. Belmonte, president and CEO, Philstar Media Group

The Philstar Media Group, as a pillar of Philippine journalism, has always strived to be a beacon of nation-building. This is why we are proud to be a part of the MVP Group led by our chairman Manny Pangilinan, as he clearly believes that businesses, including our media group, are duty-bound to contribute to the country’s welfare and betterment. Our hats off to Boss MVP for the great strides he and his companies have taken to connect, inspire, nurture, and celebrate the Filipino.

Rogelio L. Singson, president and CEO, Metro Pacific Tollways Corp.

I have no doubt in my mind that most, if not all, of the projects that MVP authorized through the appropriate corporate vehicle had always, as their ultimate objective, how the venture or project would help in lifting the Filipino people, particularly the “common man on the street.”  Projects like mass transport (Light Rail Manila Corp.), providing sustainable water supply not only in Metro Manila, but also outside Metro Manila (Maynilad and Metro Pacific Water Investments), providing mobility and transport infrastructure (Metro Pacific Tollways Corp.), medical services (Metro Pacific Hospital group), power and telecommunications services all contribute to economic development, employment, and convenience and a better life to ordinary Filipinos. MVP’s vision has always been imbued with contributing to the country’s growth and helping in nation building. But the good thing is that the MVP Group is still moving forward into new fields to contribute to nation building.

Chaye Revilla, EVP, chief financial officer & chief sustainability officer, MPIC

We contribute to nation building by improving the life of every Filipino through the essential services we provide, the necessary infrastructures we invest in and the impact-based advocacies that we do collectively as MPIC Group to contribute to a sustainable Philippines that’s respected globally.

I have had the privilege to meet renowned leaders and icons but I can say that no one is like MVP. He is authentic and pure-hearted without any agenda but to help and uplift everyone around him. In the last 23 years, he has never ceased to amaze me. I continue to learn from him everyday with his innate brilliance, kindness, honesty, dedication, selflessness and more importantly, his God-centeredness.

MVP’s lasting impact can be seen not just by how well and professionally-ran our businesses are but in all of us and in everyone he has inspired and touched to become better versions of themselves. His concept of family transcends his bloodline. He truly cares for us and considers us his family. That’s what makes him different from all others plus his genuine service and love for country. MVP will protect the interest of the Philippines with his life, and we will protect his with ours.

Jane Basas, president and CEO, MediaQuest Holdings Inc. and Cignal TV

The simplest way to put it is, the MVP Group is in the business of service. Service is at the end of every business that MVP has chosen to get into – whether its telco or power and water, building roads and bridges, to media, which is really all about engaging people, informing people, and enriching their lives. We saw that through the pandemic. When everyone was locked down, we kept the Internet working and kept people connected. And after the pandemic, when food security became an urgent national concern, the MVP group invested in the biggest greenhouse facility in the country. When disasters strike, our kapatids from the power and telco groups are among the first on the ground – and we are there with them to inform the public.

I’m sure all of us know the extent of our contributions to the Philippine economy in terms of investment.

But it’s MVP’s birthday so allow me to be sentimental. Service is in our DNA. We in MediaQuest try to honor that DNA that has been implanted in all of us by our chairman. It has not always been easy. But we push forward because the opportunity to serve the nation is a privilege not given to all. We strive to be better and never give up despite the strong headwinds. Every day we wake up, driven to do well and, at the end of the day, we ask ourselves, did we do enough?

Yes, each of us have seen challenging and difficult moments. We all have our stories about them. But I strongly believe that no other group has done as much for the country. Service is the consequence of success in all our businesses. When we do well, our people live better lives. I’m proud to follow the path MVP has taken for the group.

Jovy Hernandez, CEO, Metro Pacific Agro Ventures

I am privileged to have been with the MVP Group for the past 22 years. Twenty-one years of my career in the MVP Group have been in the telco side of the business. I am thankful for being given the opportunity to serve as the head of the Enterprise Business of PLDT and Smart and concurrently the CEO of ePLDT. I have witnessed how the telco business has transformed itself and the pivotal role it has played in nation building as the group has been enabling businesses with technologies that will make their own businesses succeed. This enabling function was targeted to the large enterprises, as well as the small and medium enterprises in the country, which are critical to overall economic growth. I feel truly blessed having been part of that journey.

Now that I have transitioned to Metro Pacific Agro Ventures (MPAV), I am excited to be a part of the group’s movement of enabling the agricultural sector in the country. This is the MVP Group’s answer to the call for food security in the country which became a particular concern during the pandemic. As MVP said himself, “We must develop our ability to feed our people first.”

Beyond just business and profit, the Agri movement of the MVP Group is targeted towards enabling our local farmers with new technologies and modern farming techniques that will improve yield and quality. By integrating technology in the agri sector, we hope to make agri sexy again and be able to entice the younger generation in getting involved in agriculture.

Over the years and despite my own personal industry shift from telco to agri, I can say that some things never change, and one of them is MVP’s sincere intent to help the country and the Filipino.

Engr. Eulalio B. Austin Jr., president and CEO, Philex Mining Corp.

The MVP Group, under the leadership of our chairman, Manuel V. Pangilinan, or MVP, has always proudly identified itself as Filipino.

It is this identity which has defined the kind of role that it has taken in nation-building. It has held itself out often as an able and willing private sector partner of government in the service of the Filipino nation.

Time and time again, companies under the MVP Group like Philex Mining Corporation have come to the aid of the nation at the times it needed such assistance and support the most, like in the case of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mining has been identified by the current administration as a driver for economic recovery and national development, and we adhere to this, especially now that we need critical minerals to address issues such as climate change and energy transition.

Saturnino Javier, medical director, Makati Medical Center (MMC)

The MVP Group’s wide-ranging and increasing reach through healthcare institutions in the country has been a huge boost to extend the much-needed care to many communities  – across the different islands.  As the network expands every year (there are now more than 20), the involvement of a private network alongside government agencies will certainly help a lot towards achieving the goals of the country related to healthcare.

In the last several years alone, the MVP Group of Companies, particularly the Metro Pacific Hospital network, has provided both the platform and the model framework on how the private hospitals, like Makati Medical Center, can collaborate with other healthcare institutions in addressing the numerous challenges confronting major hospitals especially, but not limited to, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The private hospitals took the cue from the leadership of the group of companies on how a collaborative framework can be pivotal in finding solutions to address pressing concerns. This was most evident when there was a need for the healthcare institutions to act as one – and set aside competition. With the lead being taken by the MVP leadership in sharing resources, manpower, and best practices with other private networks, government agencies and non-governmental organizations, it became clear to all member hospitals what direction should be taken by the individual institution.

Shailesh Baidwan, group president, Maya; co-founder, Maya Bank

Connecting, empowering, transforming – this is what the MVP Group does. It’s a driving force behind the nation’s digital and physical infrastructure. Above all, the MVP Group goes beyond business. It’s invested in the future of the Philippines, unlocking opportunities for individuals and businesses alike – “whether it’s through financial services or digital technology, health, agriculture, energy, or infrastructure.

Ma. Esther O. Santos, president, PLDT-Smart Foundation

I think that MVP’s mind is always occupied by ways of serving the Filipino. Because of his passion to serve, the MVP Group accompanies our actions from morning to evening. We wake up powered by Meralco, take our showers with Maynilad, commute through Tollways roads and the MRT. We are kept informed through TV5, Cignal and the newspapers, especially The Philippine STAR. To keep healthy, we have the Metro Pacific Hospitals and mWell to care for us. And to make our day a little sweeter, add a serving of Carmen’s Best ice cream. All of these we can pay through Maya. And of course, keep connected all day through PLDT and Smart.

I am sure there are many more services that MVP can bring to the country. So, on his birthday, we can sing: “The moment I wake up…I say a little prayer for you.”

Happy birthday, MVP!

Jude H. Turcuato, first vice president and head of sports, PLDT Smart; executive director, MVP Sports Foundation

The MVP Group has embraced innovation and technology to help in the country’s growth.  The MVP Sports Foundation has been a major driver to inspire and unify Filipinos by supporting various elite athletes and teams to give glory to our country, along with helping facilitate grassroots programs to spur nation building through sports.

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