MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was recognized as among the “Top Requested and Performing Agencies.”
The Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) conferred the award during the 2020 Freedom of Information Awards.
According to the PCOO, PSA managed to resolve 90 percent of requests for statistical data and access to information on civil registration services and Philippine Identification System.
PSA also received a special citation on providing significant contribution to FOI Program’s progress and development amid the pandemic.
The FOI Awards is an annual event that recognizes the remarkable contributions to the FOI Program of government offices in the executive branch, including government-owned and controlled corporations, state universities and colleges, and local water districts, in promoting open, transparent, and accountable governance.
The PSA, an attached agency of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), is the premier statistics agency of the government.
It is primarily responsible for all national censuses and surveys, sectoral statistics, consolidation of selected administrative recording systems and compilation of national accounts.
It also develops and enforces policies, rules and regulations on government-wide programs governing the production of official statistics.
Likewise, it administers civil registration functions in the country as provided for in the Law on Registry of Civil Status.