Government readies mechanization program for farmers

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) continues to conduct simultaneous training courses nationwide as it  prepares Filipino farmers to be globally competitive amid a liberalized rice trade regime.

Under the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund (RCEF), PhilMech has set a yearly budget of P5 billion for the next six years to provide farmers cooperatives and associations (FCAs) with farm machines in a bid to increase yield, productivity and income.

PhilMech said two batches totaling to 63 participants have satisfactorily completed the training course last September and have become rice mechanization specialists.

“They have undergone the necessary training that have developed them into becoming resource speakers for several training courses on rice mechanization,” it said.

This was followed by another training course that allowed beneficiaries to learn how to operate and maintain the machines that will be provide for them in order to achieve the desired output while maximizing utilization.

According to the Technology Management and Training Division of PhilMech, a total of 26 batches consisting of 519 FCAs and 1,101 operators nationwide had undergone training on the operation and maintenance of rice machinery.

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