You are only an attitude away

You are only an attitude away. Life is tough. And your attitude will determine whether you become a person of success or a loser in life.

As with dental floss, we also need mental floss.

Our minds pick up unhealthy thoughts along the way. And this is why Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” 

You remove the clutter from your life to prevent yourself from feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

This concept also pertains to your mind.

What you put in your mind through your eyes and ears (radio, television, news and conversations) has an amazing effect on your well-being.

Research has shown that our immune system is impacted by what we see. When we see horrific or violent images, our immune system is weakened, leaving us vulnerable to illness. The same goes for hearing and feeling.

Consider the relationships in your life. Are there people in your life who constantly say things that drain your energy or make you angry?

Knowing that what you see, hear and feel impacts your health. Think of your mind as a large room with limited space. Instead of taking information at random, remember that everything has an impact. Choose wisely. If you find yourself reading or watching something that turns violent or offensive, leave it before your mind is filled with negative information.

Your thoughts equal reality.  Perception is reality. Who you are and what you do today will form the person you will become tomorrow.

This is why we need to develop the following attitudes:


We have to become empty cups so that we can once more be filled. Brokenness and emptiness are blessings that propel us into a learning mode.

Now, why is it that older people are harder to teach than younger people? Old people do not only have hardening of the arteries, they also have hardening of the argument.

Do you know that one year of listening to podcasts is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree; two years and you earn a master’s degree; three years and you get a PhD?

As Charlie Jones said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”


You have to develop your people skills. Get people who challenge you to become better. Do not choose those who are like you. As eloquently put by Dale Carnegie, “When two partners always agree, one of them is not necessary.”

All behaviors are motivated. All actions are attitude-based. If you want to change your way of living, then start first with your way of thinking. Would you like to live a life that just coasts along or a life that is steered?

John Templeton said, “It’s nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.”


Discover your purpose and then give it away through service, make this your mission in life.

Each day is a gift from God. Live it to the maximum, but make sure you bless others through the life you live.

Attitude is important and so are you.

(Spend two life-transforming days with Francis Kong learning leadership and life skills as he present Level Up Leadership on March 17-18 at EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. For further inquiries, contact Inspire at 09158055910 or call 632-6310912 for details.)

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