PRA sets meet on retail store valuation


MANILA, Philippines - How much is the value of your retail business?

The Philippine Retailers Association (PRA), in line with its continuing education program and its efforts to help members become globally competitive, will hold its third quarter general membership meeting on Sept. 23 at Marriot Hotel and tackle a topic that will help retailers amidst  the preparation for the regional economic integration next year.

PRA president Lorenzo “Enchong” C. Formoso said the group has invited Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) Philippines partner Mary Jade T. Roxas- Divinagracia to speak on the topic “Valuing your retail business” during the association’s third quarter general membership meeting on Sept. 23 at the Marriot Hotel, Newport City Complex.

Roxas-Divinagracia heads the PwC Philippines deals and corporate finance practice that is involved in corporate and project finance, financial due diligence review, privatization, merger and acquisition advisory and valuation and strategy.

She holds a Master in Business Administration degree from the University of Hawaii in Manoa and Japan-America Institute of Management Science.  She graduated summa cum laude from the University of St. La Salle with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce major in Accounting.

The meeting will dwell and focus on the current valuation of top publicly-listed retail companies, recent transactions involving retail companies and the valuation multiples used, common approaches to value retail business, major value drivers and drags, what investors may be looking for, and how to improve valuation of your own retail business.

“We will surely learn a lot from the vast experience of Ms. Roxas- Divinagracia, particularly in getting a good insight on the value of our brand intangibles.  This is important because we expect the Asean integration to bring about mergers and acquisition, so we need to get a good idea of the real value of our business,” Formoso, COO of Duty Free Philippines, emphasized.

The meeting is sponsored by Voyager Innovation (Tack This and Takatack), and MOBEXT.

After the general membership meeting, the PRA has also scheduled its first retail master class session on Oct. 9 and 16 at the PRA boardroom, Unit 2610 Jollibee Plaza.

Formoso said the topic of the master class is “Buying and Merchandising Fashion-The Impact of Speed on The ‘S Suite’ (Selection, Supply, Service, Sales and Satisfaction).

Retail mentor and adviser Darrell Wisbey will serve as the speaker and facilitator for the master class. 

For inquiries, contact the PRA executive secretariat at 687-4180 to 81, 687-4985, or  email,



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