BCI Asia cites top architecture, property firms

MANILA, Philippines - BCI Asia names Philippines’ 10 most-active architecture firms and property developers to receive the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards at the annual BCI Asia Awards ceremony to be held on June 24  2014 at the Fairmont Hotel Makati.

The portfolios of these elite architecture firms contain $5.129 billion worth of properties scheduled to start construction in Philippines this year while the portfolios of these top developers contain $2.956 billion.

The winners of 2013 and onwards are architecture and property developer firms with the greatest aggregate value of projects under construction during the last full calendar year weighted by the extent of their sustainability efforts (as established by BCI Asia’s comprehensive project leads research and confirmed green building ratings).

BCI Asia Top 10 Architects for 2014 will be bestowed to the following architecture firms: AIDEA Philippines Inc.; ASYA Design Partner; Casas + Architects; Edward Co Tan + Architects (ECTA); GF & Partners Architects; Jose Siao Ling & Associates; Pimentel Rodriguez Simbulan & Partners (PRSP); R. Villarosa Architects; RVP Design & Development Consultants Inc.; and Visionary Architecture Inc.

ASYA Design is a 10th year awardee.

On the other hand, the BCI Asia Top 10 Developers for 2014 will be bestowed to the following property developers: Ayala Land Inc.; Century Properties Group Inc.; DMCI Homes; Federal Land; Filinvest Land Inc.; Megaworld Corp.; Nuvoland Philippines Inc.; Robinsons Land Inc.; Rockwell Land Corp.; and SM Prime Holdings Inc.

Philippines’ BCI Asia Top 10 Awards is co-presented by Boysen, mainly sponsored by Bestank and supported by Globe International, Matimco, Panasonic, World Home Depot, Concepcion Carrier and Multi-Line.

The annual event – now in its 10th year – is held in seven Asian regions, including Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Beyond recognizing developers and architecture firms building and designing these greatest volume of buildings in the seven regional markets, BCI Asia Awards aims to encourage the creation of socially-responsible architecture.

Celebrating 10 years of building and design leadership, BCI Asia Awards remains as one of the most coveted awards in the regional building industry while serving as a platform for domestic and international networking among elite architecture firms, property developers, manufacturers and service providers.

Other than the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards, FuturArc Prize (Green design competition) and FuturArc Green Leadership Award (Green built projects competition) will also be announced and bestowed at the ceremonies.

More information on the BCI Asia Top 10 Awards and the 2014 winners can be found at http://www.bciasia.com/top10.

Meanwhile, BCI Asia launched yesterday its FairBuilding(r) Network, an online platform for building projects benefitting the poor. It is a new marketplace that enables the construction industry to do well by doing good. Its mantra is: “Construction with a Conscience”.

The network’s initial operations will be in the Philippines where the foundation has been established through relationships with three NGOs – Plan International Philippines, Habitat for Humanity Philippines, and No One In Need.

Approximately 100 leaders from the Philippine building and construction industry attended the launch event which took place at the Raffles & Fairmont Hotel in Makati.

BCI Asia is Southeast Asia’s leading building and construction information provider. A subsidiary of BCI Media Group and founded 1998, BCI Asia researches and reports on well over 100,000 upcoming construction projects per annum.

BCI Foundation, established in January 2014, is the social action arm of BCI Asia. It operates the FairBuilding(r) Network. Since its inception, it has been a crucial part of BCI’s vision to contribute to more social equality and environmental awareness across thefields of construction and the built environment.

The main objective of the FairBuilding Network is the creationof a new bottom-of-pyramid (BoP) construction marketplace. To that end, BCI Foundation aims to bring together NGOs, LGUs and other organizationsrepresenting the building interests of the poor (acting as buyers) and manufacturers, developers, builders, engineers and subcontractors interested in expanding their market reach as well as their social impact (acting as sellers).


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