PADC, PhilSCA ink aircraft maintenance pact

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine State College of Aeronautics (PhilSCA), the state-owned educational institution for country’s aeronautical engineers and aircraft maintenance technicians, recently signed an agreement with the Philippine Aerospace Development Corp. (PADS) for the procurement of the schools aircraft components and technical service requirements.

PADC is a government-owned and controlled corporation that provides technical services and overhaul support to government agencies owning aerospace equipment. Since its creation in 1973, it has developed local capabilities in the maintenance, repair/overhaul, modification of aerospace and associated flight and ground support aviation equipment.

PhilSCA president Dr. Bernard R. Ramirez and PADC acting president Col. Conrado C. Cueto, said their agreement was reached after Government Corporate Counsel Justice Raoul C. Creencia declared in a recent legal opinion that government agencies can validly procure goods and services from PADC by mere negotiation without the necessity of prior public bidding.

PADC does not receive a subsidy from the National Government and is not part of the annual General Appropriations Act. It has to generate its own corporate funds to sustain its operations.

Under the MOA, which has a renewable one-year term, PADC will provide services for the maintenance, modification and instrument repair of major components and accessories of the school in accordance with applicable manuals.

PADC shall periodically provide PhilSCA a list of its capabilities for the aircraft maintenance and repair services, while PhilSCA shall also periodically provide PADC its required projected aircraft utilization frequency programs, engines, propellers and other aircraft components.

PhilSCA owns two SocataTB 9C Tampico Aircraft and also has in its inventory varied types, mixed and models of aircraft engines, components and accessories that require repair, maintenance and periodic overhaul which are beyond its capability.


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