GNC bares secret for market dominance

MANILA, Philippines - The chief operating officer of the local company affiliated with the world’s largest manufacturer and retailer of nutritional supplements bared the key to their dominance of the supplements market. 

Ian Segovia, COO of Total Nutrition Corp. (GNC Philippines), said that GNC performs 150 quality checks in all their products.

 â€œThis practice is unique in the sense that the local Food and Drug Administration doesn’t require this much frequency in checking. Whether they are manufacturing a single bottle of vitamin C or a comprehensive multivitamin with over 40 ingredients, every product shares the same quality values. In fact, it may surprise you to know that GNC performs over 150 quality checks on our supplements,” Segovia said.

 Each of the products on GNC’s shelves undergoes 150 rigorous quality checks to guarantee its efficacy, potency, and safety. This is how they were able to build a worldwide following, making sure each product is safe and effective across worldwide markets. It is no secret that the US retailer continues its worldwide market dominance in supplements, despite the industry’s highly competitive nature. 

“The entry of generics is not only sweeping the pharmaceutical market but also getting hold of the nutraceutical segment where GNC operates. Despite this, we adhere to our value-based pricing, when a customer gets hold of a GNC product, he or she can be assured that it is the same quality product patronized all over world. While there are similar products that are priced lower, I am confident to say that our 79 years of experience in manufacturing, quality control, product development and innovation in health products will be hard to top.”

In the Philippines, GNC is celebrating its 20th year as the pioneer in the specialty retail health business. With 42 branches stretched across the archipelago, it remains to be the largest supplement specialty store in the country and growing. 

They have over 6,000 stores in the US and Canada, plus 2,500 more outside North America.

 Segovia explained that in the past couple of years, our country has been riding on a health craze, “Once a country that was primarily focused on basketball and a few other sports, we have seen a growing number of Filipinos taking to the streets dressed in shirts from recent fun runs, they’re joining gyms, they dabble with current health and fitness craze. One can clearly see that there has certainly been a change for the good in regards to the choices our nation has been making to live a healthier lifestyle.  The health choices we make these days go well beyond just looking good for the next beach trip. It’s about feeling good for the rest of your life.”



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