MGB seeks higher budget

MANILA, Philippines - The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is seeking a higher budget of P1.24 billion  for 2014  to support its priority programs.

The amount is 24 percent  higher than the P888-million  budget for this year.

Of the proposed amount, P438.38 million would be allotted for personnel services; P635.87 million for maintenance and other operating expenses; and P171.12 million for capital outlay.

The MGB said the higherr budget is necessary for the implementation of its priority programs such as the geohazard assessment and mapping program for disaster risk and reduction and preparedness; groundwater resource assessment; promotion of responsible mining; and measures geared toward  increasing the government’s share from the utilization of mineral resources.

The bureau is proposing an additional P408.71 million for the following activities: geosciences development;  monitoring of mining permits/contracts under the Mineral Lands Administration program; national small-scale mining program; and mineral reservation program.

Pursuant to the new mining policy, the MGB is indentifiying the so-called no-go zones where mining activities would be prohibited or restricted.

These comprise protected areas, prime agricultural lands and tourism areas.

The bureau is also reviewing the operations of small scale miners for the proper establishment of the so-called Minahang Bayan, zones where small scale mining would be confined.



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