Albay adopts marketing support system for its ‘Best’ products

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – To further promote and upgrade to global standards its local products, the Albay Provincial Government has adopted a production and marketing support system that endorses qualitatively qualified products through two official logos bannered in the packaging of such products. The logos proclaim the products either as “Albay’s Best” or “Proudly Albay.”

Albay Gov. Joey Salceda said their Provincial Committee on Geographic Indicators, which is tasked to oversee the program has initially listed nine (9) locally produced food items and goods to carry the “Albay’s Best” and “Proudly Albay” logos in their package. 

The initial nine products which were listed in an order dated March 13, 2013 signed by Salceda, include Albay’s Pili Nut (Regidor), Locsin’s Pili Nut, Camalig Pinangat produced by LET’s and DAD’s, 1st Colonial Grill Sili Ice Cream, Ravago’s Guiniobatan longganisa, Putsan Tiwi pottery, Malilipot Pinukpok cloth, Polangui Calamay, and Polangui Muscovado sugar.

Salceda said it took them five years of study in consultation with various provincial departments and national government agencies concerned with local goods and production to decide on the product standards system now in place. 

He said Albay is now vigorously pursuing to upgrade their local products in accordance with the geographic indicators system of the World Trade Organization. Salceda said reviewing product standards is a continuing process, and producers who want to use the logos must upgrade their products to the level of established quality before they can use the logos in their packaging and advertisements.

 Salceda said adding they are studying other means to further improve their marketing support strategy for local products, specially in the export market. Among the initial foods listed as Albay’s best are Pili Nut candies and Pinangat which are tourist favorites. Albay’s roasted, salted and buttered Pili nut candies have already reached various parts of the world.

 Pili nut trees thrive in the Bicol Region and is also referred to as “stress” loving trees because  they bear more nuts after typhoons. A 2012 Department of Agriculture report identified Albay as the “Pili Capital” of Bicol, with the highest number of hectarage planted to Pili trees, more than the other five provinces of the region. 

Pinangat, made from “gabi” or taro leaves, with pork fat and dried fish cooked in coconut milk, is a long known Albay delicacy and has been for years a favorite “pasalubong” for guests. The Sili Ice Cream, patented by the 1st Colonial Grill, a local food chain, is highly sought by both locals and tourists. It has repeatedly been featured in TV food talk shows and magazine articles.

 Putsan Ceramics which has its factory in Tiwi, Albay has its products brought to many parts of the world.  The “pinukpok” cloth of Malilipot, a fine, smooth and silky hand-woven fabric made of pounded abaca fibers, blended with cotton, silk, polyester or piña, is said to be three times stronger than cotton and silk and could last for several years.

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