For a rosier, smoother skin

MANILA, Philippines – How we wish we could be young again. Young again to correct our mistakes and young again to enjoy the benefits of so many inventions and discoveries that could helped us have a rosier, healthier and smoother skin. A lot of us went through or are going through the phase of having pimples or acne. It is usually caused by the process of physical changes which a child’s body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction. Older people get it too as it also triggered by stress, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, child control pills or certain medications. More than 80 percent of teenagers go through this phase. Ninety percent of them are male. Improper or incorrect care leads to pockmarks, scars and craggy skin. Another skin concern is whitening. Most Filipinos are tan and so many aspire to be fairer. Hence the proliferation of so many skin whiteners (lotion, creams and pills). Most whiteners dry the skin. Too much whitening gives the user a ghostly, unhealthy paleness. Rosy Peel capsules helps address these concerns. All natural, it is made from strawberries, guava, kamias and bignay. It helps in preventing the side effects of acne (pockmarks and scars). It gently and naturally exfoliates your skin leaving you with a smoother, healthier and rosier skin. Rosy Peel capsule’s ingredients work synergistically. All of them have an extremely high Vitamin C content. Strawberries have Vitamin C, Iodine, Potassium, Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin K (for wound healing), Riboflavin, Magnesium, Copper, among others. A study at Lane University suggests that the high level of anti-oxidants helps neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals thus helping repair tissues. It also helps reduce the risks of developing cancer. Guavas can improve the texture of skin and helps avoid skin problems. Kamias (Averrhoa Bilimbi) are used in acne swellings and is an antioxidant and is antimicrobial and anti-bacterial. Bignay is a great source of Co-enzyme, Q10 that strengthens the immune system, prevents premature aging, stimulates natural weight loss and helps burn fats without exercise. The good news is that it is available in all Mercury Drugstores nationwide. For information, call Rosy Peel hotline at 09239187437.

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