DOE to start 10% ethanol blend in gasoline on Aug 6

MANILA, Philippines - The Department of Energy (DOE) will implement starting Saturday, Aug. 6, the mandated 10-percent ethanol blend by volume in all gasoline fuel distributed and sold by every oil company in the country.

Energy Undersecretary Jay Layug told reporters that the department had already conducted consultations with the oil companies as the original schedule for implementation was five months ago in February.

The Biofuels Act of 2006 calls for blending ethanol as additive to gasoline to reduce the country’s dependence on imported fuels.

“We consulted the oil companies, and definitely by Aug. 6, the mandate will push through, subject to certain fuel grade exemptions,” Layug said.

The department issued Circular 2011-02-0001 last February stating that the six-month transition period “shall allow all oil companies to put in place appropriate adjustments and logistics, including blending methodologies and facilities at their respective refineries, depots and blending facilities.”

It also stated that the 10-percent ethanol blend is subject to certain fuel exemptions such as regular gasoline with a minimum research octane number (RON) of 81 but only for use by off-road engine like farm machineries, threshers, irrigation pumps, power tiller and small motorized banks; regular gasoline RON of 87 but only for use by motorcycles and premium plus gasoline with minimum RON of 97.

The circular also reiterated that by Feb. 6, 2012, all gasoline distributed and sold by all oil companies in the country shall contain a minimum of 10 percent blend of ethanol.

Total Philippines president Ernst Wanten said the company would comply with the ethanol mandate although it would source its ethanol requirements from foreign suppliers.

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