56 governors affirm MDG commitments

MANILA, Philippines - At least 56 provincial chief executives from all over the country have firmed up their commitment to observe the 2015 deadline for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG).

At the recent Local Government Units (LGU) Summit+3i Luzon in Legazpi, Albay Gov. Joey Salceda, host and convenor, said delegates agreed to a united climate change adaptation (CCA) efforts and committed to develop the resilience and capability of their localities to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change, using the precautionary principle.      

The summit, held at the La Piazza Hotel and Convention Center, coincided with the convention of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP) where 56 provincial governors and over a hundred vice governors, local government legislators and planners, scientists and members of non-government organizations attended.

“It was the biggest catch in Disaster Risk Reduction and CCA history — 56 provinces committing to put up their disaster management offices. It reaffirmed our pledge to attain our MDGs, particularly in reducing poverty, increasing food security, improving health and ensuring environmental sustainability which responds to the needs for resiliency or flexibility during disasters,” Salceda said.     

The LGU Summit+3i also underscored the actions by local governments the world over to strengthen urban communities by achieving the MDGs. It was a follow up to the May 2010 World Disaster Reduction Campaign launched by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) with the theme ‘Making Cities Resilient: My city is getting ready!’   

Albay has been active with CCA and DRR. It was named a Global Model in CCA and DRR, while Salceda was given recognition as Senior Global Champion.   

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