Pascual Lab eyes major share in local ED drug mart

MANILA, Philippines - Pascual Laboratories, Inc. (PLI) expects to grab a substantial share of the P200-million sildenafil market on its maiden year. PLI launched recently a new drug remedy for erectile dysfunction (ED) priced very competitively.

Ian Segovia, group product manager of Pascual PharmaCare, a subsidiary of Pascual Laboratories, said Pascuallab offers a solution to ED at a price that is accessible to more patients.

“Driven by our company’s vision of making a difference in the lives of others through a relentless passion for healthcare and a firm belief that everyone should have access to good health, Pascuallab has created a Sildenafil Citrate brand whose molecule is accepted worldwide in the management of erectile dysfunction,” he said.

Not only is Zilden the best-priced sildenafil of high quality for the treatment of ED, said Segovia, it is also proven effective to treat ED of whatever degree and etiology. Patients who suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular and prostate diseases can now also include Sildenafil to their treatment to further enhance their quality of life. And because it is manufactured by Pascuallab, doctors and ED-sufferers alike are assured that the highest quality of Sildenafil is found in every 50 mg tablet even at a price of less than P80 only.

Segovia added that many men suffer from ED … rich or poor, healthy or unfit, “Although there are no exact figures on the Philippines, the prevalence in other countries range from 10 to 11 percent.”

ED, or erectile dysfunction (sometimes called “impotence”), refers to a man’s persistent inability to get or maintain an erection sufficient enough for satisfactory sexual performance. The result is that a man suffers from his incapacity to become intimate with his loved one, degrading the quality of his relationships, and, consequently, his life. While treatment solutions are currently available, the prohibitive prices of ED drugs make it only accessible to only a few.

A prescription is needed to buy drugs that treat ED. So if you suffer from ED, consult your doctor first.

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