Clenergen to intensify presence in RP

MANILA, Philippines - Clenergen Corp., a US-based renewable energy development firm, will intensify its presence in the Philippines.

Mark LM Quinn, CEO of Clenergen, will be in Manila from June 2-13, 2010 to oversee the Clenergen’s biomass-to-electricity initiatives in the Philippines.

Clenergen  is a publicly listed company in the OTC stock market (symbol CRGE) and is listing a wholly-owned subsidiary in the Philippines.

It offers strategic clean energy generation and sustainable fuel supply projects to address the requirement for renewable and sustainable supplies of power customized for countries like the Philippines. 

Clenergen has developed a unique supply of fuel for use with gasification, combustion steam, pyrolysis oil and pelleting technologies now at the forefront of energy development.  

To-date, Clenergen is undertaking a biomass feasibility studies for the off-grid areas of Romblon, Kalinga, and Apayao under a cooperation program with National Power Corp. (Napocor). 

Clenergen is also assessing possibilities in providing electricity to the mining, coconut sectors through their respective industry organizations.

The company is currently on the backward integration of energy crops in order to generate renewable electricity at full capacity, competitive priced and without the requirement for government subsidies or carbon credits.

The firm’s business model projects to increase the rate of return from the projects being implemented by creating cost efficiencies in the feedstock supply chain. 

This will be achieved through the direct management of the energy crops, adopting strict agronomy practises and fertilization programs, in order to increase by up to 20 to 30 percent the average annual yield per acre per annum.

The company has a strong experienced management team with a track record of success and the operational expertise, personnel and third party partnerships to enable the business to perform in line with its business plan and to enable it to meet or surpass its financial forecasts and projections.

Earlier, Napocor said it had already signed memorandum of agreements (MOAs) with two foreign power firms-Clenergen and Enertine. Both are developing biomass power.

According to Napocor president Froilan Tampinco, they are eyeing to generate at least 42 megawatt of power from these biomass projects.

He said they hope to have concrete details on the projects in the next few months.

“We’re looking at a three-month time frame. We signed it last week so I’ll just have to bring it to the board (Napocor) and the National Renewable Energy (NREB),” he said.

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