RP to impose anti-dumping duties on Indon glass imports

The government will extend for another five years the anti-dumping duties imposed on imported clear float glass (CFG) from Indonesia following the recommendation of the Tariff Commission.

The Tariff Commission formally reported on Oct. 26  the results of its investigation and review of complaints on continued dumping of CFG by Indonesia. The TC concluded its investigation on Sept. 22. In its report, the commission said "there is continued dumping of CFG of thicknesses 10mm and 12 mm and the likelihood of recurrence of dumping on thicknesses of 2mm, 3mm, 5mm, and 6mm due to excess production capacity of Indonesia."

Likewise, the TC reported that "there is a likelihood of recurrence of injury for thicknesses 10mm and 12mm as shown in the suppressing and depressing effects on Asahi Glass Philippines’ prices and for thicknesses of 2mm, 3mm, 5mm and 6mm due to excess production capacity of Indonesia."

Based on these findings, the Tariff Commission is  ordering the extension of the imposition of the definitive anti-dumping duties on the importation of clear float glass from Indonesia for five years or until to 2011.

The corresponding anti-dumping duties are imposed on the identified exporters and other exporters from Indonesia.

The identified Indonesian CFG exporters include PT Muliaglass, PT Tensindo, PT Tunggal  Majuasri, PT Bali Permai Grafindo, PT Asahimas and PT Abdi Rakyat.

The Tariff Commission reported that Indonesia currently has nine float glass facilities with total annual capacity of close to 1.1 million metric tons.

The Indonesian glass industry’s capacity is expected to grow further with the additional facility to be put up by PT Tensindo in 2007, an exporter subject to anti-dumping duties.

From 2002 to 2005, Indonesia’s flat glass exports outstripped  its domestic sales. This trend is expected to continue through 2008, where exports are projected to reach 546,000 MT.

The Philippines, the Tariff Commission noted, is a major export market of Indonesia.

In the four years prior to the imposition of dumping duties in 2001, from 22 percent to 96 percent of Indonesia’s annual exports of CFG went to the Philippines.

In 2001 and 2002, the Philippine share in Indonesia’s annual export volumes remained substantial at 19 percent and 14 percent, respectively.

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