BCDA turns over 24 hectares to HUDCC

The Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA) will turn over 24 hectares of land to the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) as part of its contribution to the government’s National Shelter Program.

According to BCDA president and chief executive officer (CEO) Narciso Abaya, the property is located at the Bonifacio Housing and Information Technology (BHIT) Park area and does not form part of the parcels of land covered by Executive Order No. 70.

Under EO No. 70, the BCDA is mandated to declare portions of its property located in Fort Bonifacio and its environs as socialized sites and provide the disposition of said lands to qualified occupants and beneficiaries.

An executive committee to implement EO 70 was created with the HUDCC as chair.

"The additional 24 hectares is over and above the properties that the BCDA is obligated to turn over under EO 70," Abaya said.

The BCDA head elaborated that the lands covered by EO 70 include Lupang Katuparan (48 hectares), Centennial Village area (13.08 hectares), and 35 hectares of the BHIT Park area.

"We are turning over the land as part of our social responsibility and to strengthen President Arroyo’s National Shelter Program that provides socialized and affordable housing to deserving and qualified beneficiaries," Abaya said.

To immediately implement the donation, the BCDA has already requested the executive committee, through the HUDDC, to prepare the necessary amendments to EO 70.

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