Sony continues to improve CRT, flat TV technology

Sony Philippines Inc. continues to invest in and improve its conventional cathode ray tube (CRT) and flat television technology even as it moves towards the more advanced liquid crystal display (LCD) TVs.

This was the assurance made by Sony officials yesterday during the launch of its Sparkling Wega model which is being endorsed by no less than the megastar herself Sharon Cuneta.

According to Sony deputy director for home audio video product marketing, Arnold Balao, Sony is not abandoning its conventional CRT and flat TV market. In fact, according to Balao, Sony is refocusing its attention to its traditional mid-market segment with improved technology and a new promotion using megastar Sharon Cuneta.

Sony Philippines president and chief executive officer Hiroaki Kobayashi pointed out that Sony, in fact, has designed its latest Sparkling Wega series for the Filipinos and Asian market in mind. The Sparkling Wega series, Kobayashi said, is different from the model available in Europe. The new Sparkling Wega’s technology has been improved further, increasing its color brightness and picture quality. Balao clarified that conventional and flat TV are a long way from disappearing from the market despite the introduction of premium LCD and plasma TVs.

In fact, sales of conventional and flat TVs, Balao said, continue to contribute a healthy portion to Sony’s overall revenues.

The price of conventional CRT and flat TVs, Balao assured, continue to remain affordable compared to the premium LCD and plasma TVs, ensuring their continued existence in the Philippines.

Sales of conventional CRT and flat TVs, Balao pointed out, remain strong in the provinces. Sony is thus expecting to maintain its five percent sales growth target for conventional CRT and flat TV.

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